I introduce myself



To have ever even made such en atempt . Three years ego I set in motion my second secrete bid for The Canadian position of The Prime-Ministership . Though this fact was again as it had been the first time unbenounced by the general public , soon there would be no pert of The Reel Establishment whom did not know this to be my desire , end , apparently this knowledge would bring to ''it'' greet fear ; though this fear they would try to hide simply by trying to deni the existence of me . More then this , nobody , not even myself knew that before I was reedy to make my intentions known to the general public , I would need praticly turn myself into e living God , end , have this fact confirmed by The Church . Yes , it's true though I have done it , I didn't know that I would have to turn myself into the modern-day version of Jesus Christ Himself ,

but , I will always claim I am not He though I em the one person He may choose to first visit upon His return to this earth ; I in face have seen to it . Still , nobody not even myself knew that whet I was doing writing letters in en atempt to claim reconizition for something else that I had done , would in the end cause that the entire Establishment would need one day to make itself acountable to me , and , that in the other hand I would in e very reel sense both hold end be held by The Mormon Church as not only "its" Prodigy Child , but , even The Prodigy child of all known Christianity Itself . Indeed , had I known this , even had I thought this , for me the task would have seemed so greet end unattainable , I would have had to be insane I didn't know that I would have to prove to The Church that I am mentioned in The Holy Bible , any more then I knew that I was mentioned by the authors of The Book of Mormon , but again , these things have been proven to me , end , confirmed by powers such as The Church Itself . I always knew that I was a good writer , and , that it was the important things on this earth of which interested me , but , I didn't know that through the writting of certain letters I would be allowed to cause the creation of buisness empires that would choose to cheat me ; any more than I knew that my writting of other letters would drive-up the seleries of meny influential personalities who's only interest would be to deni me my rightful reconizition Neither did I know that from sitting at my desk through my own choice , or , not realizing whit I was doing at the time _ is hand often been the case , I could do either more for or against The Peace Movement ; simply by writing a letter and then mailing it to the apropiate athroaty . Indeed , I didn't know either that through a letter , I would be able to cause that my own Prime-Minister announce his date for the departure of his public office , any more thin I knew that another letter to him would cause that George Bush Jr.. start talking about rolling his tanks into Iraq . I have to suspect though that it was God's Good Wisdom _ that I knew none of these things until they were fact , because , I now know that such power is almost absolute , and , I could never hive seriously expected to attain it so soon or easily .

In truth I hand taken what to some may have seemed nothing more thin a mear infraction against me , and , not only been allowed but been forced to prove that in fact the whole world was being punished by my enemies ; again , because of their attempts to deni me _ while they profiled from the fact of me . And so , without saying too much more here , I now invite you to read those same letters The Establishment his wished so hard would never be published , those same letters The Establishment his tried so hard not to answer to , and , in this way I hope to prove to you that indeed on moral / ethical grounds alone - I deserve to be granted the opportunity to submit my name is a contender for the next Prime-Ministership of this nation This Canada .


The Prodigy Child of The Mormon Church

The Prodigy Child of Christianity

The Next Prime-Minister of Canada The Right Honoranbul Brannnon Harold Canrty Thomas

The Reverend Mr. Thomas

The Minister of Cool