Mr. Brannon Carty


Verdun Quebec

H4G-IB4 tel. 514­

e-mail : [email protected]

To : The United States "Senate" Washington D.C.


August Ist 2002

Dear Members of The American Senate ,

I am writing in regards to an article I recently read , which seems to suggest a position may soon be opened for a , one , Miss Oprah Winfrey ; as a new member of your fine institution . I wish it to be known here and as to why , I personally find this unacceptable , and , is is my intention to do everything or anything I can

( legally ) to see that such a day never darkens the skies of this earth . I also wish you to know that it is mearly as a member of the Human-Race that I am writing you , with all the vested , intrested-intentions , there of ; though I may not be or more spastically , am not , an American Citizen .

First , I would like to draw your attention to how the American People are going to look upon this situation , if Oprah is allowed to aquire a seat in the Senate ; when there is every reason to beleave not a single member of the present Senate , is not aware of this letter , and , the damaging contents within it . Before I explain , let me say that probably a greater shadow will fall upon this institution, The Amercian Senate , than has recently on the Catholic Church : for not reporting on their own , before their unholy deeds got out of control _making their way into the public consciousness . In other words : because of this letter or in spite of it , Oprah would have been allowed to be elected into the Senate - while you good members of this trusted club had full knoladge as to her past sins , or , crimes . It could look as though she was being brought-in under a cover-up ; simply because of the popularity she could bring to the institution . It would look as though you didn't care who entered the "club" as long as they brought along a popular creditably a creditably of which I am obviously about to seriously damage anyway . Again , how can this be of an advantage for the fine institution of which you represent , or , for the American People ?

I may not be ready to go public yet , and , I may hive only just recently opened my Inter-Net "cite" , WWW.TheMinisterofCool. kicks -ass. net I will say this though. : Al Goar might think he is the inventor of the Inter-Not , but , time may prove that I am the person in this new age , most capable of utilizing it for political advantage . I can till you this also , is I will to anyone who wishes to "log-on" over the pact two (2) years - since this thing ill started , I hive collected enough dirt to not only destroy the reputation of those two (2) queens , Oprah & Rosie , with a "precident-set limit of anywhere between two-hundred and forty to two-hundred and eighty (240-280) million dollar suit against each of them , that

of the television industry & the press both here in Canada & there in the United States of America , with additional suits against each of the couraptions for another billion dollars each      totaling come four point five (4.5). billion:dollars , but , there is room to suggest , or , it least suspect that the Presidency itself his allowed itself to become complicit in the defence of Miss Winfrey , and , there just might be inapropiate"campain contributions" recently made to prove it too '. If you check my SITE you will learn that even , David Letterman , his allowed himself to become involved in in act of outright "racketeering" ; since I feel I can indeed prove that the reason he recently got his raise we ill heard about , was for keeping his mouth shut about whit he knows . True , he did it least "air" a half hour material on his old "Oprah Log" segument _ based on that letter I hid cent to him . Probably now however , Dive , wishes I never got to see the show that evening , because , now I know ho took a copy of the original "Oprah Letter" to the three television studio bosses and holding it over their heads , made his demands for more money . The stiff it David's little operation , didn't even hive the decently to tell me that they were going to "air" this material on the twenty-eighth of December 2001 eather , and , it was only luck that I caught the show . None the less , is with ill letters , that one too his been copy-written and put away , for my ineventabul multi-billion dollar "suit" against the industry .

I am not going to , here , divulge everything that his happened over the pact two (2) years _ since Oprah "playjourized" me , and , made a secrete deal with Rosie ; a dial of which she must hive neither -either cared - if I was going to be

abul to figure-out , and , apparently one which she had no intention of honoring with the' former "talk-show queen" . That broken deal however , is the reason Rosie recently is lashing out at people she once called her friends ; since she now sees that Oprah has left her dangling in the wind , and , some of these other people have problems enough of their own to now worry about anyways . In other words : I have made it known to the industry that I am coming , that my vengeance is strong enough to take­down all those that are protecting these two (2) women , and , that I will be un-relentless ; as they have been towards me .

Listen , if these people did the "right thing" I could have been a very wealthy man by now . I could have gone on to write my "television game-show" , I could have been published as a writer , I could have even launched an invention or two of which I have recived nothing but good-word about . Instead , those two (2) girls had to cheat me _ probably more than any reason because I said I also intended to have the Canadian Prime-Ministership , than for any thing else . I said then , Oprah wanted to have the U.S. Presidency . What do people expect me to do , hang around and wait until she actually gets it ? Please , of the two of us , we were the first to have a woman Prime-Minister . I have no hesitation in believing , that is going to be the same case for a black leader also . Unfortunately for those two (2) girls , and , anyone whom has been protecting them : I will be that "black leader"

and I am not too happy about the way in which I am being forced to aquire office eather Two (2) years of my life has been stolen , but , I have it on "good authority" I am about to reclaim that and be granted my Rightful Reconizition also . Oprah might say that Jesus told her to do this and to do that . I however am on GOD'S Mission


and , there is no authority higher than that

Another thing I will say is that : "my mission" every bit of it , and , even

the parts of which I have yet not imagined _ just recently were                   as has been my right to launch them , CONFIRMED , by The Church of Christ & Latter-Day Saints . When I am finally forced to walk away from this, it is understood by the church_ that I have no problem with nor hesitation in , being regarded as some sort of modern­

day version of an acient King David.; going single-handedly against my undoebtabul Goliath .

The only deference is : I may be regarded es no mear king in the end , nor , just the next Prime-Minister of my nation _ this Canada ; es too it is known to be my intention  by everyone . Instead , because of the powers I em about to crumble within my fist , that same fist in which I hold my pen , the day may come end soon I expect , when , I will be viewed undoubtabuly by some _ es nothing less then "The

church ! One does for one's nation , whet one must ` I guess .

Neither will I be ashamed to say , nor , will I be afraid to admit : I hive

seen things more wondertaous then ever to have been imangined to exist under the heavens of this earth , end , know them to be true . Not only did I just nights ego witness my sixth (6th) U.F.O. sighting ; which was es have been the lest three (3) - e multiple sighting , only four (4) ships this time . Not only did my first (Ist) sighting take place over twenty (20) years ego , while for the pest three (3) years I hive adveredged one (I) multattapul-sighting al year _ with no less then fifty (50) ships in the armada on one ocaision . I can even claim to hive been administered to by Angles ; though somehow saying this here - doesn't express the truth of that statement

I will now try to explain as to why I beleave Oprah would be al very poor

choice , were al seat to be made available for her on the U.S. Senate . Because of whet she has done against me , end , because of the involvement others taken in

her defence , or , more specifically through the development of the situetition , the television industry & press have made themselves vuneralbul      es you know    to a four point five (4.5) billion dollar law-suit ; along with Miss Winfrey & Rosie . The root of ell this is Oprah's guilt ; since it is she who first decided to rip me off end it is she ell these others now ere trying to protect . Considering that I can prove it is my constant letters to the people tan position that has caused Oprah to stay in front of the cameras for another four (4) years , end , that it is those same letters which ere responsible for Rosie both having to leave her show end even come out of the closet in front of ell America deluging her sexual orinatition , to think that I stand with pen in hand alt this point , helpless would be foolish . To think that I stand for anything , if it does not also include the destruction of billion dollar law-suit hanging in air , I just might be able to instill the proper amount of feer that I wish to . So in the end : though Oprah tried to deny me my "rightful reconizition" that action in it's self _may give me everything I desired . It's like they say : "When life gives you lemons , you make lemon-aid .

So I ask you , dear , good , honorable members of the Senate , please , stop

this thing now , because , Oprah is only going to stab you in the back - once she

gets what she wants . Besides , the only reason she could get eather the Senate , or , even one day the Presidents is because of her popularity . However , as we realize , I have every intention and capability of destroying that                           What she has and what she can look forward to _ by my hand - is a considerably lessened leadership ability , and , the credibility of her word - we may find ..- standing for nothing . As it has already been pointed out to you all though : you only have to ask , Rosie , how quickly Oprah can both change her mind & her given word . How could it be that if this woman were to one day get elected , President , such characteristics could be in the best interest of the American People . Your President being so important on the stage of world affairs ` being Oprah , I don't see how that could be of an advantage for anyone . So once more it is in the name of , humanity , that I write you , and , on only "its" behalf I know you will be both guided to find & then carry out the right solution .

Sined With the Greatest of Respect

Brannon Carty


I wish you to understand _ at least from my perspective , the importance of "reconizition" . Not only did Oprah go out of her way to deni me this : I mean she spent real enegery

thinking-up a way to "playjirize" me . My first point , so , is : if she felt it

was so important that I be denied "reconizition" at the risk of her career , her reputation and a possible huge law-suit , I feel twice as strong about fighting for what is mine & what I beleave has been taken away from me . Beyond that though , this is the second government institution I have needed write to . The first was the

Miss Winfrey , Miss Rosie , end , ell those whom have been protecting them , baffling

is e word that comes to mind . As it is , television may have e very different face from whet executives might have expected ; by the time I em through . It will be because of the law-suits Oprah has opened the industry up to however , where people will find their greatest resentment towards her . This women is about to be reviled es e "playjuriset" e thief , e destroyer of dreams . She will be found to be greedy , uncaring end too self entrusted . We will see that when she has e personal commitment , she chooses to sweep it under the carpet ; hoping nobody will find the dirt there Without question , she will be reviled es dishonest end perhaps even e Bitch .             Sorry , I was going to try not to use that word 'but , let me ask you

is there really another word which best describes whet she has done to me ? I think not .

If you good' people in the present Senate , ere not imetely aware of whet

damage it could do to your institution _ were Oprah permitted e seat on this bench , I imagine the American people might have something mintrustming to say - when they

reed this letter on my "site" ; since for my own protection I must "log" it , "post" it , end quite probably eventually advertise it also : that is if the treatment I have recived in the pest _is any reflection es to whet I can expect in the fucture . The difficult thing is : This is e lot of trouble for one to go through ( ell these letters & the lest two (2) wasted years of my life ) now trying again to make Oprah come

clean . One thing that for sure can be said : I now see the conformation of whet I said two (2) full years ego . The reason Oprah denied me my Rightful Reconizition" had everything to do with her wanting The White-House & her feer that my desire to surve My People , for me ___.,.may have been just es

The truth be said : Oprah is not confident enough

apparently she is neather smart enough - to make one bold bid for The White-House . I will have no smimmipthy for her & in fact : She reminds me of our own little Paul Martin jr es he cringes behind the Prime-Minister begging to be made Leader of this nation , Canada . I beleave it is much like your own President Nixion once said "When you have them by the bells , their hearts end minds will follow . I prefure naturally to combine that sentiment with whet our own Pierre Elliot Treadue declared " If you went This Position , the P.M.. , it is best not to be afraid of the press ." With e four point five (4.5)

office of the Presidency ; dated April 29 , 2002 . More importantly than anything realizing after nine eleven (9/II) this office couldn't be bothered with every little problem in the world_ while believing at the same time that I could possibly have in mind a real solution for some of the problems in The Middle-East , I decided to write . Those proposals I see now however _ could never be considered ; not because I hadn't made a good proposal , but , because to do so would mean I had to be given same sort of "reconizition" , reconizition that would have made it easier for me to reveal to the world what Oprah had done to me .

Naturally , people are trying to prevent any discredit befalling a personality such as this "queen" ; after all , she is a real show-gun in her ability at raising finacuial contributions for charity . This attitude however     in this case      seems to suggest : if I were to have a plan even to save the world , I would be denied , so , am I left with any other choice , than to change it as much as I can . Unfortunately though change has come and I can prove myself the cause of them , at the same time those changes have been made because of my anger against Oprah . I would just like the opportunity , to stop fooling so angry .

Brannon Carty