Carty 2356 Moreau St. Montreal
Que. HIW-2M5
tel. 5I4 |
Dec. 14th / 2000
Letter to Vallary Pringle (Television Hoste)
A. M.
C/O Vallary
I once heard
you say something on television that seriously caught the attention of my ear ,
more then perhaps anything you might have said since ; on your morning chow
"Canada A.M." . It had to do with your saying that Oprah might see
herself ac "The Messianic Christ especially
now with her new magazine end all". Well I would like to tell you whet
"I Know For Sure" .
Now I hope I am not going to say
tomorrow or the day after that , that the reason I am writing this letter , is
only because I have reached e stumbling-block in the creation of the television
Game Show I em presently working on . I know for cure I em not writing because
I have lost confidence in receiving news from the people whom ere handling the
soon to be launched new invention I am attempting to bring to the market place
end therefor have nothing else to do No , no . I em certain the reason I em
writing you Vellery , is because this too is important . You ere in fact only
one (I) of meny in the television industry - both in this country end in the
United States , whom ere being made aware of statements I em now about to
reveal within the pages of this letter .
Just the other day in fact , I sent e letter to Regis . I
felt bad for e day or two , because I know he could one day be celled upon by
the courts ; for what will be considered his pert in en act of "complicity
After the Fact" .
Then I saw him reading the morning news - as he does , and there was an article about
some woman in The United States , who
wants to play the part of a "store Santa Claus" . Regis
was too afraid to go up against his (show host) one of
the women from
"The View" and take a stand saying that perhaps in this case this woman in The United States shouldn't be allowed to
play the part of a
"store Santa
Claus" . What about the children
? Are we to tell them that history has been abandoned in the name of "women's
rights" ? What about the history
itself , which has allowed St. Nick to remain a man all
these meny centuries ? Further more ,
Santa Claus is an international figure .
What right does The United States - should that be the dission of their courts , have to suddenly tern Santa Claus into a woman ?
Subsequently , I
don't any longer feel so badly if things should prove
Regis too needs
to be brought down a peg or two eventually ; for what will be my spin of
his part in an act of "complicity after the fact" ; if this little man is so scared what the public
might say were he-to show
the fortitude enough to stand up for
men and himself even in this tiny way . I mean what does he think is
going to happen ? Does he think that
the world is going to end because he says
that "no , perhaps in this case
Santa Claus should be allowed to remain the man he has been for all of these meny centries"? I mean if
the store wants
to - for goodness sakes , what is
preventing them from hirring a woman and calling her the traditional 'Mrs. Claus ? No kids would have to be -eather hurt or worse , confussed this way ;
watching hundreds of years of history
suddenly go down the drain . If you can , I would suggest you get a copy of the show I am referring to ; so that you can see as to what I am talking about . The show aired
December 12 / 2000 . As for the
opinions of this woman from "The View" , I hope that all of her believes are not so stupid ,
or I would suggest
that the
world is really
being led by the hand more quickly towards the gates of hell in that preverbal basket at a pace much excelled than even
I had earlier expected .
Now the first thing I would like to. say , though I don't understand why circumstances have made it necessary that I should blow my own horn , the place from which "our reigning Queen of Television" got her idea for launching her new
magazine , "0" , or "0 Indeed" as I like
to call it , well the place she got the idea was from no other than reading "my
political manifesto" ; which I
had sent
in to her e her offices in Chacigo at
Harpo Productions inc. near the end days of February
2000 .
Like I said , this is "WHAT I KNOW FOR SURE" .
Country to what might be common
knowledge Valerie , and I do expect this letter to be brought spicily to your attention ,
Valerie .I beleave I know or realize piticuer things about our Dear Miss
Winfrey - that might , were they to
come out - perhaps seem shocking to
the general public . For instance :
I would suggest the relationship between
Steadman and "Our Oprah" is more completed than at first face value . I would further go on to suggest the , the-reason these two have not yet married isn't only because Steadman
doesn't want to be known as Mr. Oprah
; though the is the tail they are
presently trying to spin .
The real reason these two have not yet wed , I beleave , has more to do with the fact
the Steadman wants to be financially prepared first , so the when
"our Miss Winfrey" announces her candidacy - as I beleave she eventually will - for
the Presidency of The United States, he will be known to the people
automatically and without question as none other than Mr. President
Well I will pet it to you now and
before I -have made. the facts clear , perhaps
to be tertian you continue reading this letter , that the only way this woman
is ever going to become The President of The United States ,--is going to need be over my cold , dead
body and after the pen has been snatched from my wrinkled , clucked fist !
Beleave me too Valerie , though you have never heard of me yet , I do have the power and-the determination to prevent this thing from happening . As to what I
mean by this - don't worry , you soon will understand ., and within the-pages of this letter - I assure you .
,You also said
something on that show I earlier refsured to Valerie , that I found
piticularry interesting . I don't
expect that you will remember , bet
you made a comment as to where all
the truly crismatic leaders could be . Well
I would like to now take the time
now to tell you that I have - for
the past number of months - been taking the most extrodanarry of measures to
see that by magazine , "0"
, or "0 Indeed" as I like
to call it , well the place she got
that idea was from no other than
reading "my political manifesto" ; which I had sent
in to her at her-offices in Chicago at Harpo Productions inc. near the
end days of February 2000 . Like I said , this is "WHAT I KNOW FOR SURE" .
Contrary to what
might be common knowledge Valerie , and
I do expect this letter to be
brought spificalliy to your attention , Valerie .I beleave I know or
realize piticuer things about our Dear Miss Winfreye-- that might , were they to come out - perhaps seem
shocking to the general public . For
instance : I would suggest the
reetionship between Steadman and "Our Oprah" is more completed than at first face value . I would further go on to suggest that , the reason these two have not yet married isn't
only because Steadman dosn't want to
be known as Mr. Oprah ; though that
is the tail they are presently trying to spin .
The real reason these two have not yet wed , I beleave , has more to do with the fact
that Steadman wants to be financially prepared first , so that when
"our Miss Winfrey" announces her candidacy - as I beleave she eventually will - for
the Presidency of The United States, he will be known to the people
automatically and without question as none other thin Mr. President
Well I will pet
it to you now and before I- have made. the facts clear , perhaps to be certain you continue reading this
letter , that the only way this woman is ever going to become The President of
The United States , is going to need be over my cold , dead body and after the pen has been snatched
from my wrinkled , clutched fist ! Beleave me too Valerie , though
you have never heard of me yet ,
I do have-the power and-the determination to prevent this thing from happening . As to what I mean by this - don't
worry , you soon will understand ., and
within the-pages of this
letter - I •asere you .
,You also said something on that show I
earlier referred to Valerie , that
I found piticuerie interesting .
I don't expect that you will remember ,
but you made a comment as to where all the truly charismatic leaders could be .
Well I would like to now take the time now to tell you that I have - for the past number of months - been taking the most extrodanarie of measures to
see that by making enquiries as to
this fact , for some reason all
these letters have
remained unanswered . It
is not my fault nor do I share any responsibility to the fact , that since I have started a "letter ccampaign" to various
celebrities informing then as to the
actions of their "queen Miss Winfrey , still after all these meny
months nothing has been done to my satisfaction and I have still not been credited in any way for the-idea which
brought about the launching of
this new magazine "0" Indeed , it is not my fault , nor do
I share any responsibility to the
fact that if and when-the day comes I must take "our Miss Oprah Winfrey" to court , now almost as if in a symbolic gustier , the
empire this woman resides over -
too must be brought down around her ears ;
for their part in an act of "complisity after the fact" . Furthermore , it is not my fault - nor do I share any responsibility to the fact
that, though I have on meny occasions
told Miss Winfrey-(if she
wishes) that I will be, taking
her to court for all of two hundred
and eighty million dollars , plus
perks , and that I have apparently not been taken seriously ; nor that they refuse to see that they may have done anything wrong . I put it to you however that this woman has a history of peygurisun and this time she will be
found out no matter what the consenquanses
I would also like to point out , not that I think that it might have excaped you Valerie , even in this country , when somebody gives someone else an idea which allows that person to go on and
make meny millions of dollars , usually
the person who is responciple for that idea is in some way taken care of ; weather
it be through some finical arrangement or whatever else may be worked out between the two (2) parties .
So in the end , who
is to say if I really beleave and have done so for all
of twenty two
(22) years , that I can become this
nations P.M.. , this is not the exact way in which I must do it ; by-claiming sudden and overwhelming recondition through the bringing down of "our Miss
Winfrey" and a large portion of the empire she resides over - that being
the television industry itself . Who
is to say that I will not be
sucessfull , work the bugs out of my
(game-show) , sell any one of the three inventions I have in mind and thereby find
the funds I need to take this
woman to court ? And
who is to say I will not be granted the right to print the policy in this pubection , of which my political "manifesto" was so
much responcipul for causing the
lunching of , policy which should
eventually allow me to become the
leader of this great and wonderful nation.of ours ?
Sined Brannon Carty
Of course Valerie , there is one thing you could do , since you people have
all the resources . Though I don't know that it would be to my
greatest advantage and undoubtabuly
such action would seriously damage any chances of my ever becoming Prime Minister . None the less , you could speak to "our Miss Winfrey" that she understand not
only do I have a case - which has
been registered , copy-written ,
sined , sealed and put away in post-marked envelops - waiting to be reviled in open court , even
at this late date she still can save herself ; simply by doing the right thing .
Enclosed , you will find a copy of the letter I sent to her ,
and you tell me
Vallary , if you think this letter had nothing to do six
weeks later with the lunching of
this new "0 The Oprah Magazine" . If that is what you beleave , I think
I would almost be prepared to walk away ; abandoning even my dreams of twenty two (22) years .
So as to my
future ,
and perhaps even the future even of this
country , I now leave within your hands . Good Luck