To: The desk of Dr. Kennedy

Date : Nov. 15/2002 Mailed Dec. 23rd / 2002

P.O. Box 40 Fort Lauderdale Fl. U.S.A.



Verdun Quebec


tel. 514­

e-mail : [email protected] (x)'­

Dear Dr. Kennedy ,

Can you explain to me why





"The Great Whore" mentioned in The Holy Bible as the one that is "she" in The Book of Revelation , that wicked one whom is living amongst us now and is ment to "lead the world astray" , why has she not been reveled to the world ? There can be no question that if I know who this person is , that The Church must obviously do so too ; yet you have remained silent for all these meny years . Could it be so simple : That you feel were you to say who "this person" is , you would find yourself suddenly locked into Law-Suits , and , is knowledge still not bliss ? I think that the time is fast approaching when it will be given to the world who this woman is , and , on my next WWW Page - a PAGE I intend this time to see The Government does not shut-down-as they have in the past , I will prove to everybody that "it" is Oprah

Think about it : through Television , The Press , and , now her own Magazine , Oprah has been allowed for years to promote such things as Open-Homosexaulity , Gay-rights , Same-Sex Marriage , Marriage Out of Wed-Lock , why even the beleave that we are all GODS within our own right . This woman is an abomination , and , she must be exposed for what she is . I put it to you again : The Bible says "this woman" is THE GREAT WHORE WHO RESTS ATOP THE SEVEN (7) HILLS AND LEADS THE WORLD ASTRAY. Oprah is the most affluent , influential , unmarried woman (at least for the time) in all the world. Those seven (7) hills she rests atop are not the seven (7) hills of Rome , and , this has nothing to do with The Catholic Church . Those Seven (7) hills are the world , or the seven (7) continents of the earth . And of course - as it has been pointed out , it is mostly with her show that she has been allowed to lead the world astray . Problem is : I know she is also a BITCH because you see , it is from me that she got the IDEA to launch her' "0 The Oprah Magazine" as did Miss Rosie OdOneal ; though it was only Oprah who decided in the end to actually "playjourize" me in an attempt to prevent

people from learning where (the idea) came from , that they both got the idea from the same place at the same time , and , that The Idea came from letters I had sent to both of the girls .

Since this time , or , more spificacly since this summer , people have shut-down my WWW PAGE ( almost as soon as I told them about it ; not only denying me my right to Freedom of Speech , but , then going as far es to even shut-down the entire school where once I had easy computer access & people to help me design the PAGE      Not only my "rites" were denied here , but everybody else whom had paied memberships also . Next somebody would move an old van up-beside my house with every intention of later returning with a bomb & blowing me the (shit) up There was no interest in if the neighbours might be hurt also , and they have a small child to boot . Next somebody tries to "frame me" and I find myself wondering why this trumped-up case is taking so long to reach the courts ; so that I can in some way be over with it . Are people trying to prevent me from writing letters end being able to then "post" them ??? It was interesting that the "Crown" made es pert of my RELEASE that : "I visit his Doctor to under-go a PHYSIC EVALUATION & take the MEDICATION phscribed". There are no Ands Ifs or puts about it , these people wanted me so druged-up _ I would forget who I was

I know of The Mathematical Equation my acient Indian People used to determine

the date for THE END of TIME ; a very marketable resource of which info I imangian I will soon be forced to sell on the "net" let e thousand dollars ($1000.oo) a pop with Info. Pending up to five (5) years before the Main Event . I beleave that I am going to need this money for my own protection , to take certain folks (the establishment) to court , and , to almost miraculously be transformed into this nation's This Canada's next Prime-Minister . One does for ones nation what one must , I guess . I intend to fulfill a Prophecy made by The Acient Indians of America whom ere the Authors of The Book of Mormon , my relatives , end , of whom's history This Book t . It is said "A member of the acient tribe would rize from the depths of obscurity to challenge "empire" and in so doing THIS PERSON would be made "leader" of their nation". I beleave myself to be this Indian . In fact , your King James Version of "the holy bible" mentions someone whom t supposed to : "Bow before The Lord spreading flower-pettels beneath His Feet - as this world has become too corrupt for it to be allowed the soles of His Shoes should touch the naked earth".

Needless to say : I beleave both these people to be the same person _ myself , and , I see no better place to hand those letters over to Jesus , those letters that are The Flower-Pettels , those letters that incriminate the entire Establishment from Oprah / Rosie , to our two (2) nations Television Industry & Press , all the way to the most powerful Political Offices of our nations ; those same letters that people have tried to kill me for , I see no better place to hand them over from upon HIS RETURN than that of the seat of The Prime-Ministership of. my nation This Canada .

If it be I now need turn "this thing" into a court-case , totaling now some eight point five (8.5) billion dollars - since it has doubled this summer in magnitude , and , I have to prove by posting letters on the "inter-net" that my own Prime-Minister put a date for his departure from office_ only after receiving a letter from me , so be it . If it be I need prove your own George Bush Jr. only started talking about Immediate Full-Scale War against Iraq - after receiving my letter_ in which incidentally was also offered a PLAN for PEACE in the Middel-East , I never recived an Official Response from The Capital other than their "silly games" and in the protection of all these fasts , countless individuals have been paied-off , accepted inappropriate "campaign contributions" and , conducted themselves in all manner of desgusting like-minded actives : such as the fact that David Letterman recived his multy-million dollar raise only after "AIRING" thirty (30) minutes of monolog on his old "OPRAH LOG" Segument based on the letter I sent him , and , he then took a copy of the original "Oprah Letter" up to the big Studio Bosses demanding more money not to further spill the beans , well again                  So Be It .

What "this thing" has turned into , has not done so through my design . It is

the guilt , the complisity and the d.asgrase of all those involved in trying to deny me my "rightful reconizition" and the crimes they have committed , that makes "this thing" what it is now What you see before you now , is A CASE that calls even for the Impeachment of The President of The United States of America . Don't tell me this pending War has nothing to do with his wanting to protest the integrity of the

Television Industry , and , that all the little problems I seem to be having are not connected to Mr. Bush's wanting to still have the ability to once again use the services of this industry in the 2004 election . I tell you through my trials and tribulations , there is a direct route all the way to The White House , and , until that link has been broken I will not rest ; not when you consider that innocent young boys and girls are about to be sent-off to foreign lands to fight for reasons that would be alien to them ! Hillary Clinton had it wrong , and , I knew that the moment the words come out of her mouth . This War , very much "is" about Political Reasons'!!

It has been through no design of my. own, but through what circumstances have provided - that I now for nearly one year I have for all intentional purpose

been "confirmed" as The Prodigy Child of The Mormon Church . Had it not been for the GAMES people have been playing with me , I could by now_ if I have not already , have had This Confirmation more clearly spelt-out ; in that I would have been able to convince The Church to supply me even with papers stating so , I am convinced . Just because it has not been written down on paper , documents have not been forged , this dose not mean I have failed to witness things more wondrous than ever to have been imagined to exist under the heavens of this earth knowing them to be true ,

and , neither does it mean that I have not already been administered to by the heavenly Angles themselves . There is nothing telling me that I do not know my duty , or , that I am likely to shrink from "this fight" .

Finally : because of the powers and the importance of the powers I am forced to appose , it may be that I am not mearly The Prodigy Child of The Mormon Church It could be that through the goodness of my battle and the fact that I undertake it for no other reason than what I beleave (that you cannot treat people the way I have

Prime-Ministership to prove the impossible , possible) in the end I may be regarded as The

been) and because I undertake "this" for the good of all man-kind (wishing in my

Prodigy Child of Christianity, Itself . Let's face it : If I am to get this CASE into court , there is nobody before me and probably never will be after , who can hold the very Establishment itself accountabul , maybe fewer still have the right to so do

So tell me Dr. Kennedy , what do you think ? Should this woman be exposed ? Can we as a people allow her to continue preaching to her fans , when we know really what

she stands for is the deteration of our morals and ethics ? This woman says that she knows Jesus , but , I suspect she has only heard him say to her "Be not a stumbeling-block woman:" None the less , I intend to use that "stumbeling-block" that

"Great Whore" and that great Bitch of a Witch , as nothing other that a weight to be placed atop Satan's coffin where they can both be bound for a thousand (1000) years together in the burning fires of Hell:

: Sined

The Prodigy Child of he Mormon Church & Christianity

The Right Honorable Brannon Harold Carty (Thomas)

The Next Prime-Minister of Canada

WWW.theReverandMr.Thomas (?)

P/S The final irony to all this is that : On Dec. 5th , 2002 , I sent another letter

to The Mormon Church in Salt Lake City proving to them that I already by this time had an "impeachable offence" against The Bush Administration , and , that I knew who was the "Great Whore" Christianity had been awaiting the arrival of all these past two-thousand (2000) years . The next thing we here on C.N.N. is that for the first (Ist) time in history The American Government is thinking about giving Federal Funding to The Church ; which proves The Church went back to the President & told him that they knew where was the "smoking-gun" , and , were they not to recive "federal funding" they would have to call for the Presidents Impeachment . This means that The Church is guilty of extortion and the President is guilty of scrumming to extortion . Can there any longer be any doubt this President needs to be removed ; since he obviously cannot be trusted if he is suddenly about to give away Americans money_ for these reasons of which they are not yet fully. aware of ? Beleave me : I know where are all the copy-written letters which prove my case . On the behalf of Humanity everywhere , I am asking you now to do your job ::! Call loud and clear for the removal of this monster ; whom is even now allowing talk of a "nuclear strike" in a "preemptive attack" to be deccssed over the "air-waves" in America .

Regis Philben from "Live With Regis & Kelly" once said to me that : "People should be judged by what they have done , not by what people think they should do" so I will now give you a list of my recent acomplishments .

I / I caused the creation of Oprah Winfrey's "0 The Oprah Magazine"

2 / I caused that Oprah stay on that show of hers another four (4) years .

3 / I denied Oprah a seat in the Senate & made hopes of The White House impossabul . 4 / I locked Oprah into a 240 to 280 million dollar law-suit . 5 / I caused the creation of Rosie's "Rosie Magazine . 6 / I caused Rosie to leave her popular television show .

7 / I caused Rosie to come-out of her "secreat closet"on Prime-time national television 8 / I locked Rosie into a 240 to 280 million dollar law-suit . 9 / I caused David Letterman to get his big raise .

10 / 1 looked the Television Industry & Press into a four billion dollar law-suit

II / I caused that people address my case on television & in one news-paper . 12 / I built a case against the Canadian Judicial System .

13 / I caused the Canadian Prime-Minister to say when he will leave office

14 / I made it difficult for anyone other than I myself to become the next P.M. of Canada 15 / I built an Impeachable Offence against The Bush Administration 16 / I set myself up to bring about the fulfillment of propchey . 17 /1 revealed to The Establishment "The Great Whore" they have awaited 2000 years 18 / I have "created" Federal Funding first (Ist) time in history for The Church . 19 / I have become "The Prodigy Child" of both my Religion & Church .

Can there be any doubt : I deserve the opportunity to have these things made public ? Can there be any doubt : I have the opportunity to turn these things into the next Prime-Ministership of my nation This Canada ?


The Prodigy Child of Christianity

PP/S I don't wish to criticize The Mormon Church or any Church for that matter , but , it

was understood by them that I expected them to "confirm" their earlier "confirmation" made in my first (1st) letter mailed to them Fob. 4th , 2002 , of which they answered Fib. 14th , 2002              that before they ran-off to The White House and said : Look Mr. President , Look what we have , and , Oh by the way , Can we have Federal Funding

they would have at least paied me the respect that letter called for in a secrete claus . I was betrayed for their thirty (30) pieces of silver & yes it does disturb me . Perhaps this is why some of my language might seem aggressive , and , if this is how any of it is being taken here , I apologize . I am trying to keep my feelings under check the best I can , but , when you have been betrayed by everybody_ sometimes it gets difficult , Ay

Anyway , I am asking you Dr. Kennedy to fulfill that request I made of the Church in Salt Lake City , the best you can . I mearly asked if such like-minded words which are proclaimed in this letter represented the topic of the letter I mailed to them , and those words did not represent blasphemy , sacrilege or heresy as they were iedenietiesal to the words as the ones in the first letter I mailed to them so long ago , they were to under those conditions send me an over-sized copy of The Holy Bible much as they had done the first (Ist) time when they sent me an over-sized copy of The Book of Mormon .

Maybe it has been just on over-sight on the behalf of The Mormons , or , for some other reason they hove just not been able to get around to it . I am still waiting for this copy though , because , my eyes are not so good and I need the larger print to find the words I seek to have the understanding as to how I must bring "my mission" to completion . Besides , I did send them a money-order for Twenty Dollars , and , if they are not going to send me this over-sized copy of The Holy Bible , the least they could do is send me my money back .

So , I was wondering with it taking so long for me to hear from Salt Lake City , if

you could send me a copy of your book that you mentioned on television . I watch your show every Sunday morning , would like you to reconize the fact that I think of myself as a practicing Born Again Christian , and , yes I do repeat the prayer with you always . I understand that I wouldn't owe you any money for this book titled "Beginning Again" and this works-out well for me , Thank-You , since I actually dont hove any money . Of course if you really wanted to be nice , I guess you could send me that over-sized copy of The Holy Bible I asked The Mormons for (Ha Ho)                                             Anyway whatever your dission I will respect it , as it is yours alone to make .

Thank You & may Jesus be with us all .



Brannon Harold Carty (Thomas)


time make o financial contribution o your cause , but , I beleave were I in the position to do so _ the miracle of what I am about to do , might be missed by the general public . Maybe you could tell me what you think on this subject ???

Again , I would like to ask that I be excused for the fast that I

con not at this