Feb 21 2000
2356 Moreau S Montreal Queb' Canada_
NIW-• Tel.
Oprah ,
I have come to the resolve that
since I consider my-self e good
responciple writer
political and social issues - who
holds to himself at least some strong religious views and writes from
the perspective of ordanary., Canadian's , this world has gone too far towards the gates
of hell in it'* pervibiaul basket , to allow me to get easily published ; "lass I myself take the most extraordinary of measures As you must know oprak ,publishers have so intrest in producing works by virtual unknown artists . especially when those artists may hold views different to what may by those of their
subscribers often not caring or
piticulary realising that the views of their subscribers are not. really those of which the fabric of society is woven A In
note cases then one , one could say those in charge of publishing houses
have allowed their bissness tie too
much run only by the bottom dollar ; where
as instead - they should carry
them-selves in a manner that would suggest they were on another level - more conducive to socities
needs . You don't know how Sony times I have sent material td publishers , only to get the standard pre-written rejection notice . Beleave me , 1 know when articles have been passed around the office ; conning back with paper-clip impressions or staple holes in than This says to SO that at least somebody in theme offices had taken
the time to at least reed an article .
What is it , is there nobody in these giant publishing
houses that could be given the job of jotting down a few words , that might prove more helpful to writers - so they better know who at least
might be more interested in their work ; or at least let these writers be giver Leone sort of critical analysis .
Unfortuantly;this sort of thing is exactly why I beleave
established writers have decided to Cash-in their chips , only writing about
subjects they know *ill
861.1 to' their largest available audience ; without realizing
too many unpleasant feelings or
questions - amongst their
advid: readers I however have. always believed , that when you can't teckel a problem from one angle , you must. do so from another.. Now I
hope this next line will suprize even you Oprah r since 'subaequehtly .*I
have come up with en idea that
allow this vertually uaknowen.bleck man , my-861t
, along
with a *hole ,
huge hoste of other'a*aniture writers - to both get published
while at the same-
time reaching an audiance of around three million house-holds every Month
Although I have not', Miss Winfrey (Oprah) worked out ell the bugs yet
as this project is going to require a lot of finance.- from federal
go?ernlentel depaMrehtn- in this country , coupled with the assistance privet
enterprise might wish"to contribute and:the fact that I
only thought of this
idea yesterday , my proposal is
to have submitted along with peoples
assistance cheques a news-letter/magzine
; written by these people and
reflecting our existence through the printed word
. I don't know but I just might perhaps
be able to attract ac with
traction from some of those teachers
I had in school, who constantly insisted I would never amount
to anything because , not
will I have accomplished my dream of becoming a well reed writer
but will have
an audiance on ac regular biases
much more vast than I could ever have expect
As this letter
reveals itself to you Oprah , it will be understood why
end what two enevitacbul outcomes well be
regarding the publication, of this month
work. First the
poor, whom are, the governments largest , un-united , untapped voiting-block would be given a, strong voice ; finally realizing
both their importance and their power . Secondly , the government would be forced to see the poor as their
largest , un-united , untapped voting-block and start doing more
to help
these people , or else . Another reason I
wish to have this news-letter/maga; submitted with peoples monthly assistance cheques ,is
because since the complete:` of my first book , entitled "Foster Homes" , which
unfortuastly was stolen from my car the very day I finished it , I
was about to write three more books in the field of social and political science
. "Foster Homes" I
beleave'2O years ago when I wrote it
would have been ac #I best seller , allowing me the ability to write pretty much anything I wanted to after that , In
these books I was going to
call for- among other things , changes in this countries
"electoral laws" which
not set-up to give advantage any longer to the common man but more for those
of beg buissness and political
party contributors ; who's intrests have become so
diverse we don't any more know who stands for whet and en meny cases
whet stands even for whom .
Fortunately for me and I beleave
my country , during the past twenty year, hardly one day has gone by Where whey in which I
have not realized it would again one
day be time to peck up my dream from where et was left . I
also realize that where some people
might have been inclined to feel
because of the book stealing incident . I was not going to live that way . The reason I didn't continue to write - putting in those long ten, hour days sometimes for years at
a time , was because , I beleave , my destiny had decided it was more advantageous I first live a
more normal life-style than &.
career spent writing could have provided
for . The act of writing "Foster Homes" was
given to me by the "forces that be" more as an exercise
to see if I would ,
like over doing. en school , be able to finish my intended project . I beleave
in his infinite wisdom did realized I was
a remorseful person ; that though I might
have been ready twenty years ago to commit myself to what would have been a long , difficult,streesful
political campaign , such was going to be neather nessarry nor were we living
en the times en which my country
would need me most
As it turns out , should the up-conning compleation of my final plans be
carried out , I will no
longer have to write books anyway and all the world
will miss are a-few perhaps
interesting stories . Instead
, in the end , I
will only have to
write a number of papers in this
forum I brilliantly will have created for
admittedly just that porpoise .
Once r have caused this news-letter/magasine be delivered to
house-holds nation wide and
have brought about changes to electoral laws , I will be in posits to
call for a national referendum calling for my name be put on the federal ballot
What I as saying -
though mear.words ere difficult to explain it with is for example : this conning
session of our northern version of the ledgesletior1 we have 68 edsentments
before the house . Some of those admendmeats'ere going to be unquestionably bad , considering whet they in the long run are going to mean for society. People none the lose will without doubt
allow ∎eny of these lacking adnendsents get passed as though really we were
living in "The State of Apathy" and
not this high country of Canada at ell I Ironically it will be just that.(stet of apathy) within governmental circles and the federalise
arrogance in beleaviag they can no longer be kicked out of office by the common
man - of whom they are supposed to represent , that will pilot me the most fantastic.., artistic , sudden
skyrocketing launch into political power ; where which under my admin.-Stratton
- undoubtedly a new utopian state will be
born t
Oprah , you
must be wondering by now what I could possibly be asking .
the first thing is quite simply - until or it- the time comes when we may
one with the other , that this letter be kept private . I don't know hew
"staff members" are going to read it - before deciding if it be worthy of yo
attention but I hope not too meny and
that it will be . I could actually be
should the wrong people get ahold of this , put in phisical
danger ; when you
think about it . I mean I hope I will not be regarded as a paronide.
when one - as do
I , has a political plan that is designed towards
the inevitable destruction of A government , • why that is dangerous tally-I t.hiik
both must
realize there are
people in fact who wouldn't hesatate to go as
as to consider such a' person guilty - even of treason . Not to' worry
though .
I am not in spite of what some people might try
to class in the future , out
to destroy any-government
or even a form of government . It is nearly
intention to replace
myself as an existing governments figure head
and with
the plans I have for
Canada - which are designed
to help the entice world , to
quite possibly to
regarded some :day
as the leading popular.(.figure..head .)
Western'.Civilationi itself t
r guess in the end what I an asking is : since you already are - without question
"The First Lady of Television" how would you also like to be The
First Lady of Canada
? No, No , don't worry . I aim' not asking
for your hand in marriage
though we are
practically the same age , colour , speak the same language and I
could almost say I sort of kzow you simply from watching you on television
- though I never would
actually be that
obscured . Besides
, even if we could get
to loose intrest'.
with all those meny millions
you must have - at the risk of sounding
crass , somehow I think under
such cursumstanses - one right
be inclined to buy me the primeministerehip
and that is exactly the sort of
?reverse politics I an trying
to get away from
or exactly for what I do not stand . Besides , it is only my mini , my
intelligent quick wit and anilitisial capabilities wish history to know ins for but I feer I digress and
you probably wouldn't want me anyway ,
I was
wondering though , same , since you do have all these resources at hand:
you know all the right people , have had all the interesting conversations probably have heard just about everything and some of the letters you
must get ( hope this is not going to be regarded as one of those letters ) would it be
- note the less , for us
to set-up some sort of meeting ? I was perhaps thinking we might be able to exchange ideas - that
sort of thing . I don't know what your politics are of
course.0prah . You' may simply have a policy of not getting-, involved
in such matters at all ; though I an counting on the fast that that is not
entirely the case and you may look upon me or this letter at least with perhaps some sort of humane consideration . Certainly
, I realize you can know nothing
about se - not that should you wish to., there is anything I
would try to hide I can assure you - here and now , there is nothing in my past I an so ashamed of - that at
the risk of it's conning up in conversation
. I would allow suck a subject
prevent me from surving my country ; should such actually be possible . This in
fact is not a duty I can even see myself doing , expecting
financial gain from . I seriously beleave I would' refuse any salary offered by
Canada people and would have plenty of money from my inventions anyway ;
of which I'm sure I would at
least now be able to afford the development there of
I have enclosed
my phone number and though I don't have a computer - that
I cannot be
reached this way , I think - should
you wish , you will still for a little while longer , still
be able to reach be by calling . I seem to have got trapped
into paying a hundred and forty dollar a month phone bill - since "
Ma Bell doesn't rent phones anymore and I had to buy two
from Her . Subsequently , being
on welfare is no joke because I never
know from month to month if this is the mouth I am finally going to get
cut off
Should I be
sucessful:in my political plans , which r have no reason to beleave I won't be - if given this forum r have referred to and when having it - use it wisely ,
well , what a feat I I mean has anyone imagined such a lowly black man - with nothing more than the most neater of means ,
or in other words
with but a 509 pen , rising to such sudden y , over--night canadian/global political
importance and undoubtful success ; with
the entire populace of his nations behind kin along with a good percentage of the middle-class too ? Why
meaning any disrespect , with proposals I have for the Canadian people contained
my mind , of
which would become a reality under my sturedship* , in NO time at all-I will
be more famous than your own Dr. Martin Luther King and much more powerful than 'few people could ever dreamed •to be .
There are so meny reasons I know Canada is my destiny - that to be PrimeMinister of this country , is
the reason for which I was put on this earth . I know Oprah , it is in this time I must gear all my attention
towards this most important dirrective ;
immediately and finally . Especially when listening to the press suggest our
present leader - within five years j•- probably will start showing serious sines of insanity , without any statements being made by him at all regarding this matter . I see it is time to strike . Though the Canadian people presently , seemingly give the impression they
will vote this man in till the cows come home , I certainly
have no intention of allowing myself or my fellow countrymen/women to be led
by the insane or even someone who seems to think that varying their sanity is
not an important directive regarding matters of state ; not any longer than at
least than I have to .
I am
not of course saying that our Dr. John. , as I refer to him
- is
insane ( though
I will leave that question open ,, ) I am however suggesting that if it is
going to 5e done within my presents , the P.M.. is being extremely reckless in
not caring what his country think of him ,
must have of course oprah , heard the expression that states ~' the
sine of insanity is-doing the same thing over and over again - expecting different results " . Well if
that is true , perhaps my entire country could be considered somewhat crazy
Because we keep
voting-these people in only to get
the " same old same old-" .. Subsequently , at least by comparisium - even
with what might appear to be all my high flouttingxess . I must be rather
bright because you have to adm=it , the approach l use to claim this most
honorable position - at least in my country , is quite unlike anything politically used in the
past But then of course , all my ideas as to
where I would take this country - where in this sew millennium we would forage
are equally brilliant , open to debate and I can only hope in the end',. the
world will not deny themselves of them ;
especially when one considers to do
so probably will mean the inevitable destruction of Ay very soul ; were I
to.take this Matter personally that is . But again I digress and
more imeatieate issues are at
hand .
Yours Truly and With the Sincerest
Thoughts of the Future Brannon H. Carty
It was my uppermost intent to omit mailing you.anything Oprah , because I realize you are: not a publisher and didn't know how you might receive such an action on my part . However since just seconds ago the mail-man returned this recently rejected short story I had sent to MacleaL's and is exactly the sort of paper I would encourage other amaniture writers to submit - for this project I wish to work on.( but of presently you are the only person. in the world other than.I to know about ) well what can I say but " sorry " and perhaps jokingly " be lucky I didn't go scrummaging through all my papers to see if there might be also some others I might send to you:".
Thanks Again
Yours Truly
Oprah ,
I as afraid the
P/Ss are going to be longer than this letter itself - but anyway , here goes , I have heard you say meny times that a if:soneone man
dream something; that thing „realeOae„real ". At least I think I've heard you say r.,
something like
that anyway and if you didn't perhaps you should ; not
that I would presume to assume I know anything. at-all about anything you should or shoal not say . None the less this is a lie leave I have always,: held"
close to myself and one I certainly do feel to be true
There are meny ways in. which I could have
opened a portal - so to speak , for
you to understand my mind oprah
. I could have written a
story for example s about someone who
lived a particular life somewhat like my own rather unintresting one , to then have that person. , after
procedures taken to achieve his goals
- become
Prime Minister and explained that also this main charter in the story was actually the
way in which I see myself , Not only however would
:story have tipped my hand - which of course this letter does anyway but I also found the approach anything but dirrect ; thus.the
letter , Besides everything
, this
letter was supposed to take only a few hours
and it has already
bees a number of days in the completing , Also:-enclosed
Oprah , is
you might note - an out-line of sorts as to what the intentions of this
news-letter/magazine would be , who would contribute to it what kind of articles would be
accepted ect.
Ok , maybe for me it is important I do this thing because I
feel once I become P.M. of this
country . I will be able to convey the messege thet indeed our mind really is the most powerful and remarkabul thing we
have in this world:. aid that with it
anything really is possible .
with myself as P.M. of this country and proposals I lave
in mind for it - of global importance . Canada's witnessed actions by the.outside human populace
of this small , wonderful planet of ours . I hope , will tie just the encourage-meat.to get us all through these next few critical and
dangerous years . I know that I can hold on
to power with few if any embarrassments for much more than one turn but it is with the state of the world right now , I think you will
realize - this first turn is probably going to seem the most important.,
difficult and impossible . As I have said
however " I like those odds Oprah and feel every confidante I will be able to wisely face their
challenges " ,
If you know anything about Canadian. politics oprah , which somehow I'm sure you do , than you must have
heard of a 'named Pierre Elliout Treadue , a
us* some would say was this countries greatest politishios* and prime minister , of
recent past anyway
. He is a man who was able to hold onto
power for all of fifteen years in this country . Secerately I have for the longest of time - considered myself
another- Pierre Elliot.Treadeu or P.E.T. as he is more conmmonaly known . This sag .v though eighty (80) years still viewed to be of such
intelectuial.` Importance in this
country ; that his words are like gold .,.and this all of twenty years after he has left politics ,
I have thought of simply calling P.E.T, up on the phone
of course . He is actually available
this way , should you be able to get past his statuary that is However Mr. Treadou is the only person in this world , who could ever
intimidate so . He is to as almost
like a God ; though I do feel I have a more mature approach to todays situations than he and can see further into the
future than what " THE Man "
could when he was in office , What
that means I eather don't know or will not
explain now . I would however suggest that it just might matter ; since
if I can at least get your endorsement Oprah s I
would be able to at least feel somewhat confidant in approaching this great
man with my actual uN-editted planed proposal
for this gouitry'~i;'-If =Z aPROACH P.E.T,
as is however , yon
suet understand I would be so nervous - at
any moment I'de be expecting to be kicked
out of the man's office like sage adolescent ,
bumbulling , studdering idiot ; unable to express:,anything I might
wish to explain and probably feeling
fortunate just to have
received an appointment . Mr.Treadue is
however as I have said 80 and though
I would never wish him any ill-will . I must realise not suck more tine can be allowed to pass before I speak with the man .
PP/S Information Run-Down Sheet ( Tips and Hints )
This paper..could
surve as a forum in which the concerns of the legally poor
could 5e aired. on a regular basis .
Sections could include stories about people who have completed government assisted edgacational programs , found steady employment , started small
bissness interest ect. ( open to further input )
Though scriptions are
free to eligible subscribers , profits-could be made throw, vending of extra copies . Running costs could also be provided for through privet donations , bissness groups and
through eventual government grants This paper could be a place in which promising amateur writers with important Canadian ?political and social issues could get
published . The paper itself -
could surve as a virtual school ; students being
graded on papers
they have submitted for attempted or accepted publications
. ( open to more study ) This paper could be not only a intresting read but also a place from which government could be nudged towards doing the right thing lore-numerously .
Information Run_Down
Sheet ( Personal!Reasons
for Creating
allows me to. both get publisked'on a regular 'basis and do it with a readership--• following much greater than the normal persom.could ever expect to have--. It would allow me to
run a number of stories and articles - intended as an else--L orally secrete political platform. from which
on I would stand , when finally publicly
announcing my eleetorial'intentioms
It allows me to
run what for myself ,would be a
better. campain. and do it effectively or with so muck class,.
artistry , with my- absoulute briliance , (whatever),stubbornly from my own desk ; without having- to shullub
the country
kissing babies , shakinge hands
making countless , time limiting speeches 'bat then at the time I might want to do just
that ( ha ha ) .
Information Run-Down
( Reasons I beleave I can. Become
Canada's Next Prime Minister )
Because this is exactly: ,what.' and how I have been waiting. for about twenty years Because
I 'beleave in. the impossible and this seems to
fall much short of that . Because I believe
my policies would be an impression of the ideal . rather
an expreshion of the real ,
Thank-You So Much Oprah
Love Brannon
becides everything else - this Journey I to on I hope will allow so
to be
re-united with my two brothers , whom-'are
both out west at the time One , the younger , I have not seen nor heard from for
nearly twenty years .
I never knew him actually , until
I was all of twelve years old ; when he came to live with me in a
"boys home" here in Montreal , My
older brother I have always known or
since I was the age_.of eighteen (18) months; when under our mother's instructions he was attempting to drown
me in six inches of water at the
bottom of the bath-tub , All has been forgiven long ago - that
are we ever re-united, why there is a
good chance we will rule Canada ! I guess the reason I have not called
on Ken and Chuck up till now is partly because of my own lack of need. for
their help up to this point and the fact that for me it would be a cost procedure of which I cannot afford .
You know I an in a really good mood tonight - watching Dixy
Carter on "Family
Law" , having a beer and trying to get this letter finished . I don't know why but I was thinking of sending you a little story
- especially for you . Unfortunately
it is morning now and I fell asleep last night , Looking at this letter though
now , I see that no letter will be forth-conning ; unless I intend: to
ship this.thing to you in a box by UPS , sorry Oprah , I do however have three
peices I wrote on " gun control " " abortion laws " and
If drug legalazition which state my position politically , They were articles I felt
confidant en sending to a monthly publication here in Montreal
; though they were rejected
Though I would never dare to Assume Oprah -; .it would lie.:: a, pleasure for, se-
to se=.:
a.-latter date any one or all of
these articles should you be at all interest since
they are exactly the sort of issues I would want addressed en this newsletter/magisane I wish to get started up ,
Finally in closing. - let me sat that as a leader and the leader of this country . I would let it be realised that this precise time in
which we live , we are being given two (2) important
choices . One is to keep going on pretty much the way we have - as a rate ,
for but a little while longer ; where we will undiubtabulygall off the cliff and parish . The other of course is for
every one of us alive on this planet
today , to step back from the edge - before blindly jumping off ; where we can think of all we will be able to
accomplish even but within only a few
years from now . Thoughts of us with the most for-sight realise we have the potential within the shortest of tine - should
this planet remain relatively peaceful
, preferably more peaceful ,. to seriously reach for the very stars themselves , In
other words it would be my upmost intention to make Canada that Utopian place of dreams ; which
hopefully one day and one day soon the
entire world will aspire to .
Hopefully Yours