Dec. 20 . 2002


Verdun Quebec


tel. 514

e-mail: [email protected] (x)

Mr. Peter Mansbridge P.O. Box 500 Station "A" Toronto Ontario


Mailed: Jan. 7th / 2003 Dear Mr_ Mansbridge ,

I don't know that this letter is going to be allowed to reach you before this war in Iraq starts , or , even if in the end the war will start or not . I do know that it is my intention to do all I can to prevent it , that it is at risk to both my liberty and life that I write this , and , that it is because of other letters I have sent this thing has all started . I can also tell you it is because of myself that certain people in government have recently been saying , war _ if it comes , is going to be a "religious war" , but , the truth of the matter is this is a war that is about to be fought for little other reason than that The President should be permitted to cover his own ass from a whole host of crimes ; sins in fact that once The American People are aware of , talk of "impeachment" will undoubtabuly be once more in the air . Further-more , the sins of this government go much deeper than being caught with their pants down around their anckels and then lying about it . My only hope is that once you become familiar with the contents of this letter , those questions of "impeachment will then quickly be raised .

First of all I beleave a deal has been made , a deal that you wouldn't be aware of , since , if you were and so far have said nothing about it , you are going to realize that the day would come when you would find yourself forever burning in the all consuming fires of Hell . The nature of "this deal" is that both the Press & the Television Industry should be protected from a pending law-suit _ caused by Miss Oprah Winfrey ; in return that the Big-Wigs or your Bosses should allow The President to have his way - without too meny questions being asked and as little opposition as possible towards his policy . It is as simple as that .

This story all starts two and one-half (21) nearly three (3) years ago . Long before Bush became President , I admit , but , then again long before he became involved . Anyway , it was then that I one (I) told Miss Winfrey & Miss OdOneal that since the age of seven (7) I had intentions of one (I) day becoming the Leader of my nation This Canada , and asked for their help in the creation of a print publication of which I intended to use to make my intentions known . That never turned out quite the way I might have wished however , since , Oprah decided that she would "plagurisum me      after making a "secrete deal" with Rosie not to some out with her own magazine for at least one (I) year after her own magazine had been launched . This way they hoped it would be difficult for me to prove that they had dot the same idea at the same time , and , that they had dot the idea from me . Eventually I would hear Rosie say that "She saw no problem in people being smart in buisness , and , I would know that this statement was a direct account as to her feelings in creating "Rosie The Magazine" , but , I digress & get ahead of myself here . The fast remains : all these girls had to do was admit they dot the idea from me , and , paying me my "rightful reconizition" none of the later things which have transpired_ needed ever happen .

When I told David Letterman about all this , his response was to take a copy

of the original "Oprah Letter" I had provided him _ up to the Bid Studio Bosses , and saying something like : "Look what "dirt". he has on the most powerful woman in television , dive him more money , or , he spills the beans." His mistake and the mistake of those whom complied with his wishes was that : This meeting only took place after Mr. Letterman had already "aired" some thirty (30) minutes of material on his old "Oprah Log" segument (Des. 28th , 200I_ based upon the sepreat letter I had mailed him ; a letter which was much the same as this one (I) that I mail to you now Once more I had been riped-off , denied , and , quite frankly abused ; though I was well used to such things by this time , since obviously by then_ I had meny copy/ written letters proving I had been in contact with a whole host of individuals in the industry , and , had never recived a response from any of them .

Anyway , it was at this time 'hat I informed both The Television Industry &

The Press   here in Canada & in The United States of America that : Though "president' allowed for a SUIT against each of the girls for anywhere between two-hundred & forty to two-hundred and eighty (240-280) million dollars , as the virtual employers of these two (2) girls & these two (2) girls being such well-knowen representatives of the industry's , I would be coming after The Industry's for an additional billion dollars a peice , and , that the total under those circumstances would ammount to some four­

point five (4.5) billion dollars . It might be also important to note that I would not be taking these legal-actions mearly on my own behalf , but , since these people knew it was my intention to become Prime-Minister from the start , end , in this sense every Canadian living on the planet had been riped-off , I would be doing this thing mostly for The Canadian People . My life_ though it ha never been easy before , surely would be made much more difficult ever after .

First , in en attempt to prevent me from publishing copies of the letters I had mailed to The Establishment on my Web-Page , in compliance with our two (2) govern­ments     shut down . To make certain I stayed off-line , even the entire school was shut down , and , I was being denied my right to "freedom of speech" es surely as everyone else whom had "peied membership" was being denied to use the equipment .

Next somebody would have an old van moved up-beside my place ; with every intention I know , of returning when it was least expected with a bomb & blowing both myself and my case out of existence . By this time of course I ha already informed both Paul Martin Jr. end The Prime-Minister that I had intentions , and , unless the government was going to realise they had been collecting taxes on an enterprise that they now knew had been created under only what could be described as immoral , unethical buisness pratices , and worse still that they realised I had proof , there would be no option left to me but to see that the day would come when the governments too souls: expect to find that they themselves were being brought up on charges . After ell , I pointed out , they were guilty of exactly what The Catholic Church was being accused of ; where as The Church was collecting souls ell

the while their priests were raping children , they were doing the same thing to me_ all the while collecting these taxes . Both of those letters had been mailed August Ist , 2002 , and , within weeks the Prime-Minister was making it known that at long last he would finally be stepping-down . Although it ha never been my intention , there was no doubt that I had somehow managed to push the man out of office .

Months earlier I ha already sent e letter (Apr. 29th , 2002) to The Bush Administration . A letter , again , that was much the same as this one (I) with the exception that in this letter - I also sent e proposal that I thought was very

reasonable , and , I believed could provide PEACE for The Middle-East . The response of The Bush Administration was never to personally respond to my letter it ill , but , instead to almost immediately start talking about going to war against Iraq . Instead of ever considering to pay me my "rightful recondition" these people hid obviously decided to protect the two (2) girls , and , they had no hesitation in bringing about the destruction of this world to do so . In my opinion , this was a shaddy bunch of characters    if ever there were some .

Not the next , but , the last thing of incident which would tike place , is that some girl I had never seen before _ would accuse me of threatening her with a knife ; is I cut a peice of carpet on my front lawn , and , it has been said that I did this because she was petting my dog _ of ill things . Strangely , the police were only coming to my door , a full twenty-four (24) hours after the alleged incident . Doesn't seem to me that anybody felt too threatened here _ if she was able to go to sleep , get up the next day , do whatever it is te does , and , then suddenly decide " Hay ! You know whit , te was attacked with a knife the night before                 The whole thing smells like a "frame-up" to me , and , after ill the other incidents who could blame me for believing it to be so ???

To mike matters worse , I was being released from three (3) days of incarseration) minus the four-hundred , twenty-one dollars and twenty two cents ($421.22) I hid in my pockets when I was arrested . I in fact was dismissed from prison without even being provided a bus-ticket , and , hid to mike my way home ill of ten (10) miles with no hope of public transportation ; when in fact I should have had money on me to take a taxi_ hid that been my choice . On top of this , because I hid made proclamations against Oprah , Rosie and The Establishment , instead of asking me for proof to my words , I would be instructed to visit a Doctor James Firquhir it The Douglas Hospital in Verdun , to under-go a physic evaluation . That in itself would hive been no problem , and , within twelve (12) hours of my being released I not only did so , but , I passed the test also . The Doctor I was being sent to however , was one (I) so hoped-up on drugs , he was in worse condition thin any of the patients under his command , and two (2) it was more than obvious this Doctor was being used by The Courts to provide them with the pipers they required_ when they wanted to be certain they got the "rulings" they required to win a case .

I might also point out to you that it will be all of five (5) months , from the time that this court-case started , to the time in which I am to finally be permitted to make even my first (Ist) "plea statement" ; since the case has somehow now been held-up this long . I wonder : Is somebody trying to prevent me from writing these letters so that these facts will not be revealed ??? Naturally it is hoped that in this way _ with feer of being locked up in prison , I will not only not be foolish enough to write these letters , bit , that The Bush Administration will have more time to convince the world that we need to go to war ; not that it would seem they are about to pay much attention to what the rest of the world thinks in the end anyway . None the less , it seems to me the "smoking-gun" people are looking for may not be in Iraq after all , bit , instead right in front of them in The Presidents office I wonder : Is this "list" we have heard about also to contain my name , and , since it would appear I have the Impeachable offence against The Bush Administration , are we to now assume that I am a threat to National Security ??? I ask it again : Am I to be slaughtered in the name of "national security" so that the President can cover his ass . I am telling you : Not only has his nakedness been exposed , bit , it is both an ugly sight , and , it does stink a plenty .

It is quite obvious that part of the Presidents National Security Bill was written especially to make it difficult for me to take this case to court . That part would be the text that suggests making it more difficult for people such as myself who have these huge law-suits , to be abul to sue for the amounts that they once were allowed to , and , it is in this way that Bush intends to protect the integrity of the Television Industry & the Press ; so that he can once more use their services when he runs for re-election in 2004 .

On feb. 14th , 2002 , The Church in Salt Lake City_ without realising what they were doing at the time "confirmed" me as The Prodigy Child of Christianity . This can be explained by the fact that I am now about to fulfill Propchey made by the authors of The Book of Mormon _ whom are my acient Indian ancestors & said that "In the latter-days of this civilization a member of their tribe would rise from the depths of obscurity to challenge "empire" and in so doing be made leader of their nation Listen : One does for ones nation what one must ; in this case , for ones world what one must I guess . Anyway , since these American Indians are my ancestors , and , i is I whom has this "challenge" against the "empire" or The Establishment in todays english , it can also be understood how it is I whom am ment to fulfill this Propchey To further prove my case The Holy Bible also mentions me as : "He who will bow before The Lord spreading flower-pettels beneath His Feet , because , this world has become too corrupt for it to be allowed the soles of His Shoes should touch the naked earth."

Let us make no mistake about it . Those letters that I have copy-written , sined seeled , post-marked , dated & put away in a safe place , those letters that people ha tried to take both my liberty & life away because of , those letters that now incriminate the entire Establishment from oprah / Rosie , to the Television Industry & Press in two (2) nations all the way to the office of my own Prime-Minister and that of the President of The United States of America , those same letters are the "flower-pettels" this Propchey speaks of . For anyone whom does not relized it , as

far as I am concerned     I see no better place to hand those letters , or , the court

disisions made because of them over to The Saviour upon his return , than from and as the rightful occupant of The Prime-Ministership of this nation This Canada , and from where I am sitting now , it would seem I have every lickly-hood of doing so .

To put this in the fullest of understanding , there is one (I) more Propchey that we must pay heed to . This one also is contained in The Holy Bible "Revelation" and is about : "The Great Whore Who Rests Atop the Seven (7) Hills & Leads the World Astray." As the most affluent , influential , un-married woman (at least for now) in ell the world , Oprah Winfrey is this woman the Bible is speaking about . Think about it : Those seven (7) hills are not the seven (7) hills of Rome , and , in spite of all the problems they are having now_ this has nothing to do with The Catholic Church . Those seven (7) hills are 'he seven (7) continents of the earth _ they are the earth , and , Oprah has been allowed to lead the world astray for seventeen , long suffering years with nothing other than that silly , little show of hers _ where she promotes such causes as Open-Homosexaulity , Gay-Rights , Same-Sex Marriage , Marriage Out-of-Wed Lock , why the beleave that we are all GODS within our own right . This women is an abomination to both GOD and man-kind alike & I will utterly destroy her .

The final irony however is that knowing these things , The Church has decided to none the less sell me out . Subsequently , I beleave it was a good thing I didn't let them know what they were doing _ when they "confurmed" me back in Febuary . They have taken this information that they have waited all these two-thousand (2000) years to be revealed to them to the President , and , telling him that they know where the smoking-gun is and the "impeechabul offence" they have now for the first (Ist) time it history managed to squeese "federal funding" out of the President ; for not spillinc the beans . The Church has become little more than extortionist , and , the President is guilty of surcomming to extortion . Surely now there can be no doubt , this man must be removed . Neather The Amercian People , nor the people of this world are safe with a President that would conduct himself in this way .


The Prodigy Child of The Mormon Church

The Right Honorabul Brannon Harold Carty (Thomas)

The Next Prime-Minister of Canada


P/S The final irony to all this is that : On Dec. 5th , 2002 , I sent another letter

to The Mormon Church in Salt Lake City proving to them that I already by this time had an "impeachable offence" against The Bush Administration , and , that I knew who was the "Great Whore" Christianity had been awaiting the arrival of all these past two-thousand (2000) years . The next thing we here on C.N.N. is that for the first

(Ist) time in history The Amercian Government is thinking about giving Federal Funding to The Church ; which proves The Church went back to the President & told him that they knew where was the "smoking-gun" , and , were they not to recive "federal funding" they would have to call for the Presidents Impeachment . This means that The Church is guilty of extortion and the President is guilty of scrumming to extortion . Can there any longer be any doubt this President needs to be removed ; since he obviously. cannot be trusted if he is suddenly about to give away Americans money for these reasons of which they are not yet fully. aware of ? Beleave me : I know where are all the copy-written letters which prove my case . On the behalf of Humanity everywhere , I am asking you now to do your job ::: Call loud and clear for the removal of this monster ; whom is even now allowing talk of a "nuclear strike" in a "preemptive attack" to be deccssed over the "air-waves" in America .

Regis Philben from "Live With Regis & Kelly" once said to me that : "People should be judged by what they have done , not by what people think they should do" so I will now give you a list of my recent acomplishments .

I / I caused the creation of Oprah Winfrey's "0 The Oprah Magazine" .

2 / I caused that Oprah stay on that show of hers another four (4) years .

3 / I denied Oprah a seat in the Senate & made hopes of The White House impossable . 4 / I locked Oprah into a 240 to 280 million dollar law-suit 5 / I caused the creation of Rosie's "Rosie magazine" . 6 / I caused Rosie to leave her popular television show .

7 / I caused Rosie to come-out of her "secrete closet"on Prime-time national television 8 / I locked Rosie into a 240 to 280 million dollar law-suit

9 / I caused David Letterman to get his big raise .

10 / 1 locked the Television Industry & Press into a four billion dollar law-suit

II / I caused that people address my case on television & in one news-paper . 12 / I built a case against the Canadian Judicial System .

13 / I caused the Canadian Prime-Minister to say when he will leave office

14 / I made it difficult for anyone other than I myself to become the next P.M. of Canada 15 / I built an Impeachable Offence against The Bush Administration 16 / I spot myself up to bring about the fulfillment of propchey . 17 /1 revealed to The Establishment "The Great Whore" they have awaited 2000 years . 18 / I have "created" Federal Funding first (Ist) time in history for The Church . 19 / I have become "The Prodigy Child" of both my Religion & Church .

Can there be any doubt : I deserve the opportunity to have these things made public ? Can there be any doubt : I have the opportunity to turn these things into the next Prime-Ministership of my nation This Canada ?


The Prodigy Child of Christianity