To : The Desk of Mr. William Jefferson Clinton                      Street Verdun Quebec


Date . Nov. 28th / 2002


55 West 125th Street        Mailed: Jan. 7th. 2003     tel. 514­

New York N.Y.                             


Dear Mr. President ,

I hive known for months that the day was going to some , when writing this letter would be unavoidable . Before I did so , there were questions I felt mist first be answered however , and , to my satisfaction from watching you on various television interviews , I think those questions hive been answered pretty well already . I especially liked your "David Letterman Interview" , and , even though I missed the first few minuits of it , it was your response is to whit you would do about "global warming" that interested me . For reasons you will understand shortly however , it was of a greater entrust to me is to what were your feelings as to how the Republican Party treated you durring your entire Presidency , and , were it to be offered to you     would you be interested in a small amount of revenge . I'm not going to say whit my conclusion was , bit hay , I am writing this letter - aren't I now ?

To continue along the same train of thought for a moment if I might , let it be pointed out that the Democratic Party seems to hive nobody to offer it this time

other thin Al Goar - a min who his denied you , and , done the same thing to his party when he said late in the election that : He didn't need your help getting elected to The Presidency . Subsequently I hive some to the conclusion that one of your greatest regrets in life r suprizingly might be nothing other thin your dissuasion not to challenge Al's dissision ; though I am somehow certain you mist hive done so at least on a personal level . Lastly I want to point out that I am an avid patron of those Sunday morning Political News Sows , and , from even any other interviewer anyway _ I hive always been convinced they would like to ask you "Whit were your thoughts is to having your name ` almost mericiliously _ added to the next Electoral Ballot" . For that matter , I might be personally interested en knowing what were your

feelings is to the possibility , theoretically , you could hive remained in The Presidentcy even after the little "mess-up" in Florida ?

Perhaps , Mr President , I should now let you in on the world in which where I live , a place where almost anything is possible , a place where dreams are allowed to exist , and , a place where through ones actions (my actions) with each day these dreams are becoming more of a reality . In this place billions upon billions of dollars have been thrown up unto my face , and , all I have to do is eather catch them or simply bend over to pick them up ; though I have been hesitant , since , the one thing I never went looking for in this situation was money ~ nobody could be expected to look ever for so much . This is e place where I told everyone that I wanted The Prime-Ministership of my nation _ This Canada , and , a place where a case may have been built against some of the most powerful institutions on the planet to see that I have it in the end . In this place it is expected that eventually charges will be laied against The Television Industries & Press in both our nations , Rosie Odoneall , Oprah Winfrey , David Letterman & countless others all the way up to the present Presidency (Bush Administration) & my own Prime-Minister . This is a place where from present expectations , it would appear this case & my acceptance for the next Prime-Ministership of my nation This Canada , will be decided on the Inter-Net , long before the "election" even is called .

My old WWW Page , , was shut-down by my gover­nment _ probably in compliance with The Bush Administration . What angers me most is not that my "site" was taken off-line _ where-by I have been denied my right to "Freedom of Speech" but to do so somebody found it necessary to even shut-down the entire school where once I had easy computer excess , and , now it seems everyone else is being punished also who had peied memberships . Obviously what I was about to do , was publish all those letters I have written in my quest for "reconizition" to the fact that it was because of other letters I once wrote that Rosie & Oprah got the ideas to launch their once ever -o popular magazines .

I don't need to tell you , Mr. President , that time has e way of allowing things to develop . In this case because of the letters I have written in my quest for "reconizition" because of the importance of the people I have sent those letters to & the actions they have commited themselves to because of those letters , there are sents of "racketeering" "inapropait campaign contributions" even "attempted murder" in the air ; or surrounding the proximity where-in which I live my life .

I beleave that at sane point I will probably have to prove that the reason , David Letterman , recently recived his big raise , had very much to do with a letter I sent him (Dec. 8 / 2001) . In that letter was proof that the most powerful woman in television had "playjurized" me . So he first "aired" about thirty (30) minutes of material _ based on that letter _ on his old "Oprah Log" segument (Dec. 28 / 2001) and then took that letter up to the big Studio Bosses ; demanding more money for keeping his mouth shut . With other letters that were sent to the television studio executives , both here & in the U.S. , at well as the letters that have been sent to The Press , I think that here now there it a question to be asked : that being "Have these people all now opened themselves up to a multi-billion dollar law-suit ?".

Listen , Mr. President , Sir , please : a whole lot more has been denied     than what mearly has been denied me _ through Oprah's maleficent act of "playjurisum" . What she wanted to do was not only to destroy my dreams , but , any hope that the Canadian People would ever be put into the position where they would be allowed to ask that I be permitted to be their Prime-Minister . Her intention was to make te more likely that it would be "she" who would be the first , black-skined leader in North America . Let te be pointed out too , that had Oprah done the right thing from the start , there would be no "case" here . Had she paid me a few bucks. , allowed me to sit-in on one of her shows , maybe decided to publish a few stories I might

I would have had to throw my hands up in the air and walk away . Instead , what she did was like have wanted to write , perhaps simply send me a Thank-You Card for the "idea" even , a slap in the face , and , since my dreams are ones of nationhood , it was a slap in the face to every Canadian on the face of this planet .

Over time te has been given to me that I should become aware of "revelations" , "prophecies" , the understanding o' time itself , to have been on occasion administered to by Angles , and , to have witnessed things more wondrous than ever to have been imagined to exist under the heavens of this earth - while knowing "these things" to be both real and true . I have the mathematical equation the acient Inca , Myai , Olbec ect civilazteions used to deturman-the date for the "end of time" ; a very marketable resorsce   were I to sell this information through the use of the Inter-Net .

I know who is "The Great Whore Who Rests Atop the Seven ( 7 ) Hills & leads the World Astray" whom we have waited these two-thousand ( 2000 ) years for the arrival of , and , I will be the first to reveal her presents to this world as that woman known to the world by the name of OPRAH . And I am here not only to bring about the fulfillment of "acient Indian prophecy" which predicts that in the latter-days of this civilazition a member of the tribe would rize from the depths of obscurity to challenge "empire" and in so doing be made leader of their nation , bit , I am here to fulfill even Biblical prophecy ( King James Version ) which states that : "In this time a person is to come forward who will bow before The Lord spreading flower-pettels beneath His feet , because , this world has become too corrupt for it to be allowed that the soles of His shoes should touch the naked earth" .

Those letters I have & are pit away in a safe place , those letters that now incriminate The Establishment itself from Oprah / Rosie to the "Industries" Press & Television ( in both Canada & The United States ) all the way to our two (2) nations highest offices of Government , those letters that people have tried to take my life-away because of , those letters , Sir , are The Flower-Pettels this prophecy

of the people they incriminate , and , one ( I ) other letter I sent to The Church

speaks of . In fact because of those letters , or , the importance of them because of Jesus Christ & Latter-Day Saints in-which I explained the meaning of the propchey made by the acient Indians ( whom are the authors of The Book of Mormon and who's history this book is ) I have known for meny months what it is to be "confirmed" as The Prodigy Child of The Mormon Church . The truth be known "this mission" is mush more important than even that , and ,, in a very true sense - as I have been told , I very well could be The Prodigy Child of Christianity itself . That would mean that since this is "a mission" I do in the service of my , Gad , on the behalf of all mankind , I represent more people than even The Pope .

I know what my responsibility is , because , there is a force driving me - much greater than anything I know how to control or would wish to . Not only does this

mean that when Jesus returns to this earth if it happens within my life-time , am

I expected to hand over to Him those letters , or , a copy of the Court-Judgement made because of them ; I have to live my life today , where with "this thing" I can find some dignity . I have to back-up those letters           in-which every one I have deturmand

I would turn "this thing" into the next Prime-Ministership of my nation      This Canada

and do so , because , I know before my sprit was allowed to return to this earth              I made an agreement with The Lord that , yes , I would become P.M. one day , but , the nation I would be interested with would not be a pile of rubble & rock . I see myself as the "light" & the "hope" of this world , because "the mission" I am on is one that should be impossible to complete or even imagining . However I am deturmand to complete "this" and prove that those things we sometimes dare not to even imanigan can come true . Maybe this way more people will apply the same principle to their own

lives , and , this world may at last find PEACE . And maybe most important of all , or perhaps it should be , I have to stand before my God one day . He is going to ask me if I became Prime-Minister the way I said I wanted to . I can assure you , Sir ,

I am deturmand to be able to say , YES , all because I was deturmand not to allow that "Great Whore" to in any way rip me off .

The way I see it , Mr. President , I have but limited choices here . I can eather find a lawyer _ maybe one whom has an ax to grind , and , take "this thing" to court now , or , I can go On-Line again , publish the proof along with the names , dates & places . The only risk is I won't have the same control as to what lawyer will represent me then , and , as this mentioned Prodigy Child it is safe to suggest that in the name of my , God , I would have to allow The Church to represent me ;

were they only to ask . Question : Does that not then mean "this thing" would suddenly be turned into more than my personal vendetta , but , an actual Religious War ? Even with my vast imagination _ I am not certain I would know how to tighten the reigns on such a battle , and , more dangerously so I am not certain that I could _nor that I should want to . Indeed , my only feer other than this is : If I am forced to go back "on-line" again with what is now an eight-point five ( 8.5 ) billion dollar law-suit hanging in the air , people will be logging-on to my "site" with such regularity _ trying to get my phone number & a peice of the action , the Inter-Net just might explode from over-use . For people who think that I don't have a chance to do "this thing" I have to

say that I think they are mistaken . When I say "this thing" of course , I mean

The Prime-Ministership . As for the law-suit - the way I see it , people must have thought I was eather too stupid to realize I had been riped-off , or because of my present position in life there would be nothing I could do about it anyway . To that we can see how seriously they were wrong , and , as for the Prime-Ministership : let me just say that it was only after two ( 2 ) weeks from sending Prime-Minister Chretien a letter , that he finally decided to put a date for the time of his departure from public office ; which would seem to suggest that letter had a very great deal to do with his dissuasion and his timing .

One has to almost ask : how much easier has George Bush Jr. made "this thing"

for me too , because , again it was only after mear weeks of writing to him , that his people started talking about rolling into Iraq . From where I am standing it would seem that I have the answer to the question everybody has been asking . WHY Mr. Bush is only interested in protecting the integrity of the Television Industry & The Press , so that when he goes to the poles again in 2004 , he can better use these institutions - along with personalities such as , Oprah , to be certain that he will be re-elected . You can be certain - right now. - when people go on The Oprah Show , much of the reason they are there is because The Bush Administration decided that they should be . Because of the dirt they have on Oprah , it is safe to suggest these people already have her over the barrel , and , she has no choice but to do their bidding for them . So , I don't know why anybody should have such respect for this woman . In spite of what she might have ment to folks in the past , in the present it would seem she has sold-out , and , unfortunately it would seem that we might all end up burning in some holocaust because she has done so

I have come too far now to back sown , and , the stakes are much higher than when I started two and one-half ( 2 & 1/2 ) years ago ; both for myself and for those I have been dealing with . It is I and the letters I have written , that are the reason Oprah has to do that stinking , little show of hers another four ( 4 ) years ; in spite of the fact she own that operation of hers lock , stock & barrel , and , in spite of the fact that she once said earlier that she was leaving . The Television Industry and to some degree  even the Press want her there in front of the cameras at least until The Statute of Limitations is about to run-out on this thing . It goes without saying , I am also the reason we will never hear oprah's namo in place of the Presidency of The United States of America , and , why she will never even sit on The Senate . I am the reason Rosie was asked to leave her ever popular show , why she was made to "come-out" of her secrete closet , and , why she is having these present problems with her magazine publishers . If I really got angry , she could find it difficult to continuo holding those kids of hors by the hand , and , the courts just might take them away too .

So toll me , Mr. President , that this war in Iraq is not all about politics . Toll me that our young men & woman are not about to be sent off to foreign lands to fight for reasons that would be alien to them . Toll me that just because I intend to have the Prime-Ministership of my nation                                    This Canada , such a battle could be right . Maybe then I could throw my hands into the air , giving-up . Until this , however , I will toll you instead , Pandora's Box , has already boon opened . There is no way to stuff the Jenny back into the battle . These are the cards that have boon dolt , and , they must be played . As said , I will be commanded to stand before my God ono day , and , when I do I want Him to know that I was bravo enough , and , wise enough to use that last card which was remaining in "her box" on which simply was written the word HOPE . Nothing more can I expect through the writing of these letters , for no other reason could I do so .

At this time , Mr. President , there is a question I would like to ask of

you , and , I would like you to understand that I am not trying to steal any of your thunder in doing so . Firstly , from my understanding it is in your Constitution that people have a right to call for change to governmental policy and of government itself . This would moan that though there are laws as to "turm limits" now , if a body were interested they could call for changes to those "turm limits" without fooling any guilt . Question : Could it not be that the reason The Television Industry is constantly floating information as to how they would like to give you a position on the "air waves" has something to do with the fact that this is a question they would never want asked by the American People ; since they could not be certain you would be willing to protect them quite in the same way as have The Bush Administration ? There is nothing I would not put past these people , and , I suspect your Monica Lewinsky thing may have been every bit as mush of a "set-up" as I suspect




this present Martha Stewart thing is right now . I suspect in fast that the government is trying to distract the American People ; making problems for the other Great Billion Dollar Lady , and , tying-up the "air-waves" with her dealings ; since they can't use her services anyway . Indeed , from where I am sitting , it looks like the government will use any dirty trick ; to see that they remain in , and , are re-elected into office .

Lastly I would like to point out that I have no real reason - other than the physical ones                  to feer eather The Press or The Television Industry ; since for one ( I ) too meny people know about this situation now , and besides , I have always boon careful to reserve the opportunity to call on not only The Inter-Net , but , also the services of Radio Broadcasting Networks . I know that a greater amount of people than is realized , tune into Radio and get their "news" from there - every time they get into their cars , and , I know I am crisimatic enough to utilize these

services to their max when the time is right .

Of course when I went to court today , it was interesting to note that

Jan 7th

The Prodigy Child of      Mormon Church


The Prodigy Child of Christianity

The Next Prime-Minister of Canada

The Right Honorable Brannon H Carty

The Reverend Mr. Thomas


all the proceedings produced was my lawyer being sick ( whom is the fourth (4th) lawyer the Legal-Aid System has forced me to take over this thing , and , now I have to wait at least another month before I can put any of these letters into the mail-box . Looks like somebody is trying to buy themselves even more time , and , I know just how crocked these people are , because , the prosution sent me to a druged-up Doctor whom they thought was going to give me a citificat of insanity when they first agreed to have me released from jail on these trumped-up charges I am now being asussed of . I need not say : the Dr. found me with a very healthy mind.& sined 2 papers saying so

P/S follows next (3) pgs .

P/S. The final irony to all this is that : On Dec. 5th , 2002 , I sent another letter

to The Mormon Church in Salt Lake City_ proving to them that I already by this time had an "impeachable offence" against The Bush Administration , and , that I knew who was the "Great Whore" Christianity had been awaiting the arrival of all these past two-thousand (2000) years . The next thing we here on C.N.N. is that for the first (Ist) time in history The American Government is thinking about giving Federal Funding to The Church ; which proves The Church went back to the President & told him that they knew where was the "smoking-gun" , and , were they not to recive "federal funding" they would have to call for the Presidents Impeachment . This means that The Church is guilty of extortion and the President is guilty of surcomming to extortion . Can there any longer be any doubt this President needs to be removed ; since he obviously. cannot be trusted if he is suddenly about to give away Americans money for these reasons of which they are not yet fully aware of ? Beleave me : I know where are all the copy-written letters which prove my case . On the behalf of Humanity everywhere , I am asking you now to do your job !!! Call loud and clear for the removal of this monster ; whom is even now allowing talk of a "nuclear strike" in a "preemptive attack" to be decussed over the "air-waves" in America .

Regis Philben from "Live With Regis & Kelly" once said to me that : "People should be judged by what they have done , not by what people think they should do" so I will now give you a list of my recent accomplishments .

I / I caused the creation of Oprah Winfrey's "0 The Oprah Magazine" .

2 / I caused that Oprah stay on that show of hers another four (4) years .

3 / I denied Oprah a seat in the Senate & made hopes of The White House impossible 4 / I locked Oprah into a 240 to 280 million dollar law-suit 5 / I caused the creation of Rosie's "Rosie Magazine" . 6 / I caused Rosie to leave her popular television show .

7 / I caused Rosie to come-out of her "secreat closet"on Prime-time national television 8 / I locked Rosie into a 240 to 280 million dollar law-suit

9 / I caused David Letterman to get his big raise .

10 / 1 locked the Television Industry & Press into a four billion dollar law-suit .

P/S     II / I caused that people address my case on television & in ono news-paper .

12 / I built a case against the Canadian Judicial System .

13 / I caused the Canadian Prime-Minister to say when ho will leave office

14 / I made it difficult for anyone other than I myself to become the next P.M. of Canada 15 / I built an Impeachable Offence against The Bush Administration 16 / I set myself up to bring about the fulfillment of propchey . 17 /1 revealed to The Establishment "The Great Whore" they have awaited 2000 years 18 / I have "created" Federal Funding first (Ist) time in history for The Church . 19 / I have become "The Prodigy Child" of both my Religion & Church .

Can there be any doubt : I deserve the opportunity to have these things made public ? Can there be any doubt : I have the opportunity to turn these things into the next Prime-Ministership of my nation This Canada ?


The Prodigy Child of Christianity

PP/S Lot s got serious Mr President : If you want "this thing" as badly as I do, if you want to be the most powerful man in the world again , there is no doubt that if any­body          I can give it to you , but , there will have to be a mutual exchange of

energies here .The encouragement for change reguarding two (2) present-day laws must now be made . Hay listen , The Bush Administration cowed no failure in bringing a now and disgusting law _ when in their Homo-Land Security Bill_ they made it almost impossible for the average citizen to take multi-national courapitions to court . I wonder , what was that all about , because they would have just boon pondering over the possibility at the time , of me pituralary taking the whole Fucking Estab­lishment to court in ono (I) grand , glorious cot :: So : what is wrong under these circumstances , of trying to convince people that perhaps it is now time to call for a chicago reguarding "term limits" on The American Presidency ( with the understanding that you would be running again ) and secondly in this country , what is to stop the forces that be from calling for changes as to how The Prime-Minister is elected by the people ? At the very least , I think it is about time people realize this debate is about to be posted on my now Inter-Net Site , because , it has boon finally

PP/S "CONFIRMED" to me for the second (2nd) time that indeed , I not only have toe right

to fight for my "reconizition" as toe next P.M. of this great nation_ This Canada , but that in fact also I am toe once more & officially "confirmed" Prodigy Child of even all Christianity ::: I guess toe reason The Church took so long in getting back to me this time , had more to do with their trying to first (Ist) extort Federal Funding out of toe Government , but , apparently that CONFIRMATION had been kicking around their offices in Salt Lake City eight (8) days after I wrote them ; though it would. be three

(3) weeks more before they sent "it" out . I want you to beleave this too , Mr. President toe letter that I sent to toe Church , was very much toe same as this one I send to you . If ever there was a chance for these people to suggest I was talking sacrilege , blaspheme. or even heresy , this was their chance to make such a proculamation . Instead they

chose to accept me as toe pre-curser to the Second (2nd) Coming of Jesus Christ Himself and as mush as I might like to shrug it off , in actuality this is no small thing .

So what do you say Mr. Clinton , because , I think it bares repeating : "Do You Want To Be Toe Most Powerful Person On Toe Planet Again ?" In toe event that you do , or , even if you might wish this , I want you to know whom is fighting for you , and , even Whom stands behind me also in your corner t!! There is no chance Toe Church didn't know what they were doing at toe time . After all , I sined that letter exactly as I sine this _ with wishes of Good-Luck in fucture proceedings .

Yours From the Above Mentioned Prodigy Child of Christianity ect


Oh Yea Ay ! If for some reason you actually don't want toe U.S. Presidency again_ perhaps thinking toe chalange would be too great , or , for some other simple-minded reason of which I couldn't even imangian , because , I know had you wanted it at toe time     you could have remained in Toe Presidency way back in 2000 at Toe People's request , well , if you really don't want it , Sir , you could always give consideration to thoughts of representing me - when I have my day in court ; as long as it is recognized that I do have every intention of calling for toe IMPEACHMENT of Toe Bush Presidency ???

