March 21 / 2002                                              Mr. Brannon Carty

To the Desk of "Rosie"                                      tel. 5I4­Fax : 1-2I2-506­

Rosie , I caught your show the other day . It was a rather rewarding episode , because , you said right in front of ill North America , when someone accuses you of doing wrong and you don't respond , it must be because you are guilty of doing what you are being accused of . That I think is a direct quote , and , I'm not supprized your lawyers told you not to open your big mouth .

Anyway , I am accusing you of being a thief _ just is I did in that letter I sent you list week . I further accuse you of working' out a secrete deal with Oprah nearly two (2)

"pliyjourise me and you would simply steal the "idea" for

thin it is that I think you hive

hid that show of yours for too long to promote both

years ago ; where-by she would

your two (2) magazines

Whit I am saying or that I should be siying,it is of no suprize to you ; any more

fact until you recognize the fact that I should be granted my " rig

Sined :                         Mr. Brannon H Cart

h 21 / 2002

h .reconizition" .



your prevented ideas while trying to encourage people every day to buy that "Rosie RAG" you stole the "idea" to launch from , from me ; in the original letter I sent you way back in the month of Feb. 2000 .

All I can say is if you ire afraid to deal with somebody is small and unimportant is me now , think whit it will be like in the fucture when or if I need launch "legal, proceedings" against you to the tune of the "Precident-Set amount" of anywhere between two-hundred and forty (240) to two-hundred and eighty (280) million dollars . It will only cost me you know , a few thousand dollars or so                                                  to get tits into the courts . I am sure I can get that ; especially since I hive post-marked , sined , seeled letters witch prove my case against you , and , of witch ire just waiting if necessary to be reviled in "open proceedings" .

As you can see , I am prepared to write letters and send fix's nearly every-day , in order to fight for my "rightful reconizition" ; even and especially since they will not ill be to you , but , instead to others in the industry who might be willing to take me more seriously , and , beleave that perhaps you should be further punished punished in

P/S Be certain Rosie , in days this is being sent to "News People' in the "Industry" .