
Nov 27 2000

Far. Brannon Carty 2356 Moreau St Montreal Quebec HRJ-2M5

tel. 514-.

Rosie 0 Donal Show c/o N.B.C. Studios

30 Rocketfeiler Plaza

New York N. Y.

Dear Rosie,.

As to your show of November tenth , well it is fortunate you have Alax Baldwin on - putting down your perception that you have no place in politics. I put it to you that you do have a place in politics.Rosie and some day with your undeniable , important voice - I pray you are going to realize what that position is. I'say this as someone who

knows - of what he is talking because the day is coming when I , a poor little black man , will be able to transform himself almost instantly and without warning into the position of my country's Prime-Minister. I am not of course saying that you should attempt try gain the Presidency of the United States but you must soon recognize the importance of your voice Rosie.

Though I don't have it right in front of me now , it might be noted that in a letter I sent to you meny months ago , I was calling for the launching of a prestigious magazine / news letter or paper ; in which I would be able to - with. little more than the writing of certain policy - be able to cause myself to be elected into the seat of this nations Prime-Ministership . Nobody in this country yet knows as to what my intentions are though ; partly because I have not yet allowed myself to be publicly politically plundered . The moment this happens though , the moment I am forced to allow myself to be publicly politically plundered , it will be because of an action or misaction of none other that the present reining "queen of Television" , Miss.Oprah Winfrey herself .

Have you Rosie any idea how much of this woman's thunder I will be able to legally claim when it is :..announced to the world (if it need be) that the reason-she has this popular "women's magazine" and the millions of dollars it must be generating every month , is because of a letter sent to her back in the month of February ; which actually pretty much was my political "manifesto" and written by myself a mear man .

I put it to you Rosie , as I did meny months ago , though I have never held political office before , I am none the less about to become this country's P.M. since I have already brought about the creation of the publication which will be responciple for attuning me that high office . The fact is when I am through , it will be difficult for some people not to see me as the reincarnate of Jesus Christ Himself; though you will never hear -me -suggesting such a thing - since I know that I am nothing other than perhaps an extrodanary individual . The fact remains however , since this "0 Magazine" was launched because of my "manifesto" sent to Oprah and in spite of the ten following letters which have all remained-unanswred by these people the day is soon coming when I will - against my wishes - be forced to haul this woman into court on charges of "intellectual rape" (playdurisum) "political plunder" (my manifesto) and probably even the attempted harvesting or a tempted destruction of my all too very real and human soul ! In that. law-suit I will not only be obliged to put a lean against Miss Winfrty for not only nearly three-hundred million dollars (check the recent Disney settlement) but more importantly above or beyond that and the "royalty demands" , I should be able to claim the minimum of a

two (2) page paid spread ; from where I will literally be able-to finally write my way into the most important political position of my nation .

I don't know Rosie that you remember but I want to take you back to when you asked Oprah where she got the idea to launch "0" . If you will remember she said "when they came to me with the idea ect ect ect. You see Rosie , it was I who gave your friend the idea for her magazine with a detailed instruction manual of not only how to get it launched but how to attain the Presidency of The United States apparently ; sine do believe it is Oprah's intention to one day try to be elected into that office . Surely you can see though how I have the ability to throw a wrench into those probable ambitions of hers - if this magazine situation is not properly delt with and to my satisfaction . Wouldn't you think that under such circumstances , these people at HarpoProductions Inc. and Oprah , would at least try to contact me - thanking me for the idea that brought about the creation of "0 Magazine" and possibly the Presidency of The United States for Oprah herself ?

It is.intresting to note that all that would have been required for your friend , Miss Winfrey , to legally , morally and even eithacly rip me off by using my "manifesto" this way , and there-by claim that in my instance she didn't believe in my dream - perhaps because she felt it was too unrealistic , all that would have been required of her was to simply send me a thank-you note and perhaps a small sum of money as some sort of "finders fee" as settlement offerings . At that point I would have been prepared to walk away and relinquish all future claims as to my part for the creation of "0 The Oprah Magazine".

I realize Rosie , that sending you this information does put me at somewhat of a disadvantage , when piticulary presently before this letter reaches you the only people who know about this situation are Oprah and her gang ; who of course for their own probable , potentials political , selfish , ill minded closed reasons are refusing to answer any of my enquiries regarding this situation of which through my art has been created - that being "The Oprah Magazine". Obviously I will soon be inclined to prove

these people in Chicago have mistakenly surmised it is better to keep it from the world that the idea to launch this piticular "women's magazine" came as a result from reading the - "political manifesto" of a mear unemployed set probable highly insightful man - who just incidentals was nearly a sear ago now calling for changes regarding present

day "electoral laws" ; long before your little mishap with. your Bush / Goare sytuatityon.

Having the understanding that I might know what I am talking about when involving myself with political issues , it is anybody's guess why Miss Winfrey and her gang refuse to have any dealings with me especially after through my "manifesto" which created

"0 Magazine" countless of millions of dollars have been squrrled'awas in their pockets . Think about it. All that would have been required were these people praticing their bissness dealings along more moral and ethical lines and had they not chosen to pas so much attention only to the bottom dollar , well what they should have done was offer me a page or two in this publication of which my "manifesto" was so active in bringing the creation of .

I mean to say , if somebody caused that I should dollars every month the was I and my "manifesto" have for Oprah , don't you think that I , not ? These people don't feel that way though apparently . No , instead they would choose to ignore all enquiries and even send back will prepared manuscripts without even including the simplest of pre-writen•"rejection letters" as though I didn't even exist

As a side note it is interesting that in my country the present P.M. The Right

Honorable Mr. Jean Cheitien or (Dr, John) as I refer to. him , has not only decided to call

an election a full eighteen-(18) months earlier than he had to. but is also saying that if  he wins he will be stepping down after only three (3) years into his five (S) year mandate . Well that may be what he thinks but I put it to you Rosie , once I have been forced to sue our Miss Winfheey for nearly three-hundred millon dollars and even more importantly nave been granted the right'. to be published in this magazine _ where I will then expect to be picked op in syndication , I will finally be in more than the position to call-for these changes to present day "electorial laws" and will most likely be calling for another election with the understanding that-my name is about to be. added to the national ballot .

Believe me , with nearly three-hundred million dollars in my pocket or whatever "out of court settlement" this woman is forced to accept , and with the national and even intrenetibnal.attention.such a case is going to create , well there ere not meny people in this country who will not vote me in as their Prime !Minister.. So you see Rosie , just as I nave planed , almost over-night I will nave been able to transform myself into the most powerful person in this country and, nobody will be able to say that I am uundeserving;.

So what is it that I am saying Rosie ? Well first of all - lets face it , if my mear "manifesto" could nave been the reason for the creation of "0 The Oprah Magazine" or if in other words if with little more than e letter and my say so this publication came into existence., I most presently be our Miss Winfrey's greatest night-mare . Is it her intention not to pay me the respect I rightfully am intitled to , that night-mare I ondoubtaboly will tern into anall too real reality . The day will come when I take her crown as the "reigning Queen of Television" and eatner place it atop my own head or crush it beneath my feet - should that be-my choice . We know that the Bible says that in the "end days" which could be all of the next fifty (50) years or so , there-is going to be a great transfer of wealth between the rigntioes and the wicked and I am therefor suggesting thet if this metter is not cyeered ep , this is jest me -of those "transfers" that "Greet Book" is referring to . -Of coerse I heve no reel interest personelly in our Miss Winfrey's money but if thet is the wey one is jedged presentyy'- who am I to turn it down ; especaily:

when she seems to went to yitteryy throw it into, my hands ?

I geess yoe enderstand why it is thet I em writing to yoe Rosie•, since oer Miss Oprah is one of yoer best friends and eyl yoe heve to do is pick ep the phone if yoe don't went to see 'her•renied or broeght down e few steps . I: geess the. next few weeks ere going to show jest how mech of e friend yoe reeyyy are to. this women , beceese I beyeave yoer edvice woeyd meke en importent difference to this siteetition .

So in cyosing Rosie , yet me congregeyete yoe on yoer new editoraiy position within the written midee and thenk yoe .for yoer time. I cen only hope yoe enderstand what it means to be an editor end whet power yoe ecteayyy heve within yoer gresp ; thoegh I am certain yoe mest jest es yoe reeyize 'in this instance whet it means to be e friend . -And es e friend of this woman's , oer Opreh , I em certien thet yoe ere going to speek to her - so thet then she wiyy finelly egree to speek to me. Imight point oet thet I am end heve been ' hendel this siteetition , withoet the-need-of involving the coerts . My peitenc yoe mest enderstand is renning thin however and this is one of if not the yest chence I em going to be permitted to give oer Oprah to meke-things right . I think we ely wiyy egree thet she shoeyd consider herseyf fortenet thet I am not e.greedy , imorrey men


end heve given her every chence to come cyeen. So for the moment I yeeve this metter in yoer wise hends Rosie end-egein Thenk-Yoe .
